
It’s Easy To Make it About what they Got Wrong and Right………BUT ASK Yourself………

NY tImes logoThere has been much discussion about the recent NY Times article that included the writer’s opinion/research about devices, expenses surrounding diabetes, and more.  You can read the entire article by clicking here.

Someone asked me if I was going to chime in; and I AM going to chime in but perhaps not in the way that I am known to do.  Many people have stated their opinion and, for the most part, I agree with what has been written; but I noticed something else which I have been noticing more and more.

Will anyone EVER GET IT exactly right?

From stories of celebrities; events; initiatives and the list goes on and on and on; as soon as someone states “A”–someone else brings up “B”.  Someone was doing a fund-raising event to help people in less fortunate areas of the world outside of the United States be given insulin and other diabetes supplies; all good….right?  Nope.  Some people were stating that we should take care of those in this country before we help those in other countries.

I get it, I really do.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion.  They really are free to say what they want.

The media should take every step in getting the information correct.  And when they do not; IT SHOULD BE corrected.  But as I read the outcry regarding the NY Times, I was wondering if these outcries are taken from other aspects of our diabetes world and ever turned into actual actions?

When someone from the JDRF or the ADA state there is an action needed to oppose or pass a bill; do we, with the same muster discussing the NY Times-Paula Dean-Miss Manners issues-pick up a pen and write a letter?

When Bennet Dunlap states that he’s working on an initiative for strip safety and asks for an action step, do we, with the same muster, initiate the action he requests.

When there is an action step needed; is it talk–or is it backed with action?

If you do; fabulous.  This is article is not for you.

But if you find yourself one of those who readily jumps-in ONLY in times of crucifying someone who gets it wrong; I ask you to take a look and also LOOK TOWARD taking the plunge and ‘jump-in’ when others need help doing something right.

Opposing viewpoints to correct something ‘gotten-wrong’ is hugely needed and always encouraged.  But when there is much that needs to be done in this world of diabetes,  ask where is it that you fit in; ask where is that YOU DO something?  And if you do and you are comfortable right where you are doing what you can……..wonderful.

But ask yourself if there is something more that you can do; either by creating it or helping others accomplish their goals—goals that you share.  Those efforts need your help in this battle.  We all have a voice.  My big mouth is surely one of them.  But words without action are just dead.  Don’t ‘just do nothing’.  Think about it; and more than that—-do something.

I am a diabetes dad.

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