
Everyone is “Doing the Mr. Awesome” in Honor of an Incredible Child………You Can Too.

Jimmy Mr. AwesomeUnless you have been somewhere else for the last few days, and NOT online, you have been missing one of the truest forms of viral online frenzies, ever.  It’s awesome.

Or to be more correct; Mr. Awesome.

Mr. Awesome is an online campaign in honor of North Miami’s Calder Sloan, a 7-year-old human-dynamo who lost his life very recently when a faulty light in their family swimming pool electrocuted him.  His father’s nickname for him was Mr. Awesome.  Calder created a self-portrait and after his death; the photo has gone viral….very, very viral.  Now I do not believe that “Mr. Awesome” had diabetes and the world we live in is not always about diabetes…..but I do know that this community, our community, likes to help;  so here is the chance to do something good.

My friends Luca and his wife Tammy are good friends of the family and I promised them I would help continue the word.  Here is what you do:  You print out the picture and take a selfie with the picture included and post it on Luca’s FB page at:
or you can also use #MrAwesome on all forms of online outreach.

This family is being extremely comforted by this effort and his family is using the loss to help others understand the loss and to help Calder’s school.  His father’s incredible interview is below and he speaks of Calder and his success in changing the world as something “…Calder is, not was….”

Mr. Awesome Here is a copy of Calder’s self-portrait.  Print it out, take a picture, and post it on Luca’s page or use the hashtag.  This is a simple one…..let’s help this family during this incredible time of grief.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.




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