
What is your FAVORITE Diabetes Word or Phrase?

diabadassWhat is your favorite diabetes phrase or word?  You know the one you saw and made you say, now that says it all.  One of my favorites…….and it may be taken as a tad crude by some, I guess and I apologize in advance, but I just love the word “diabadass”.

It is an edgy word that tells you the person is taking no defeat, grabbing diabetes and dealing with it and is taking no prisoners when it comes to diabetes.   I just love it.   And PLEASE if there is ONE PERSON who deserves the credit for this word—please stand up and take a bow.  🙂

One word. One phrase.  Over the years, what has been your favorite and if need be; please explain why.

But share it with us.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


5 replies on “What is your FAVORITE Diabetes Word or Phrase?”

I would have to agree with you! I got my daughter a shirt that says “Type 1 Diabadass” and she loves it! She can’t wear it to school (she’s in high school), but she wears it around the house and just thinks it’s the best. 🙂

My son with Type 1 has a black belt in martial arts….he has a shirt that announces him as a “Diabetic Ninja”.

Diabadass is awesome, but the single word that means most to me is D-dad. D-dads and D-moms are different from regular parents. We’re like super heroes. 😉

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