
“YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!”………….really?

yellingThere was an engaged discussion recently when I read something that someone wrote and I thought; “well that just does not seem correct?”  My first thought was to engage the discussion but I knew we would be off to the races on a discussion who was right and who was wrong.

That discussion would have been nothing but a waste of time.

And to be truthful, when I considered the source; I doubted my own convictions.  My column today is not about being right or wrong in an online discussion, or at a support group, or even in a phone call; it is what to do when you are looking for answers.

Many, and dare I say most, agreed with what this person wrote and I wanted to find out for myself.  I started asking some people who I know and respect who, for the most part, agreed that the discussion should have been more open-ended and not so definitive that IT IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.

Being in the wonderful position I am in life, I contacted quite a few doctors who stated there are too many mitigating aspects to the situation that should be left to the individual to decide which way it should be.  It is surely not a definitive.

The moral of this story is that no one person should be taken at what they say to be an absolute truth.  Heck, it took four guys to get the gospel right and they didn’t even agree on details.  Truth is, at the end of the day, I did not want to get into a discussion about it but I needed to know for me.  As I stated, being right or wrong is only important to me as it relates to the management ideas I try to instill in my two kids with T1.

My point is that no matter what you read, and even if 47 other people say it is the truth, if it does not seem right to you; do your homework and find out.  Be careful NOT TO LOOK just for an answer that you want to hear, but rather, obtain enough information, lay it down in front of you, and make the decision that you know is best for your child and the day-to-day management of diabetes, or supporting an entity that you feel is correct.

Never stop asking questions; ever!  The first step in formulating an answer is to ask the question……… many questions?  As many as it takes for you to believe that the sources are reliable and educated enough to render an opinion worthy of your consideration.

Horns can be very loud to get individuals out-of-the-way, but it is a quiet map of a chartered and planned-out course that gets you to the destination.   Think about it.

And act accordingly……….but only if you agree that is the way to go.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

2 replies on ““YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!”………….really?”

“”Horns can be very loud to get individuals out-of-the-way, but it is quiet map of a chartered and planned-out course that gets you to the destination. Think about it.””

I was shoved out of a support group for absolutely no reason other than a friend posted a T1D article she thought others would find of interesting. The group thought she was spam so I came to her side to defend her and ask the group to reconsider bc she didn’t realize posting a link about T1D was against group rules (FYI) prior they told her it was ok , but then again if your look into the groups rules it doesn’t appear to be against the rules. Then I post on the group page for help on this and please consider re -adding her bc I know here personally and she does have a child with T1D and it was hard enough for me to get her to join due to trust issues I was then booted for that request I guess.

With that said T1D is hard enough and support groups like these who just boot ppl who are non attacking, open minded to others views, try to keep peaceful and only learn from others and take what we like and leave the rest and FYI downright good ppl of my community to only be treated like a peace computer DATA to delete at will with no questions asked or consideration why they came to the group for support in the first place but to only be booted. I think It was b/c the link just didn’t plain go with the view or opinion of the administrator (s) I don’t really know to this day, but ppl like this should in no way have a support group!

So to those out there who have “support groups” and to only use your horns to push ppl around when comments or links all T1D related non abusive are posted but are not in you’re view or opinion but then to only you’re your horns to boot others off is not supportive in anyway! and actually very emotionally abusive to those who came to you for support and shame on you!!

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