
Ever Noticed: Those Bruised the Most; Inspire the Most?

Broken heartSo many times I have heard and stated how incredible our kids with diabetes are in dealing with life, as well as deal with managing their diabetes.  Today I want to recognize another group of people who, deal with diabetes; and all that life throws as well.

That’s you.

One of the greatest aspects of what I do, is I met people in all walks of life.  I’m inspired, encouraged, and many times amazed at what parents accomplish while dealing with diabetes and also with a broken/bruised heart at what life calls, ‘fair’.  I have noticed a few trends that just constantly make me stand up and say……WOW.

I have found that the people who have faced adversity, I mean REAL adversity, are usually the ones who inspire me the most.  I do not know why it is, but they also seem to be the most positive people I know as well; and they look for no sympathy…….they just ‘do’.

They do more and more and when asked; they take on more.  They seem to live full lives and for the most part, most have not the slightest idea how or why to stop due to their own heartache or pain because they are too busy living.

Parents do amazing things while tending to their child (children) with diabetes.  They tend to so much with their children without diabetes.  They are single parents; parents with problems at home; parents who take care of THEIR parents; they are parents who both need to work; they are parents who lost their partner and/or their child; they are parents that ‘go-it’ alone and sometimes even with a spouse; they are parents who are unemployed; they are parents that volunteer, advocate, give, donate, mentor, and are active in their communities.

They do it with a smile, a touch, and always in a manner that just makes you WANT them to be around.  They do not complain, ask for help, and rarely let you see any of their pain deep inside.  When someone rants and raves about some little thing that sends them over the edge, this parent is the first to comfort others; putting their own pain behind them.

They are out there.  You know them and I know them.  You will never hear them say anything about anyone else.  The person who laughs the hardest knows real sadness;  the person who lives life to the fullest has seen it taken away; the person who comforts the most knows inner turmoil; they have a spirit unlike others.

So when we realize how much our children do, also realize how much you do also.  Life is more than boo-boos needing to be kissed; sometimes it is showing our children that no matter what life throws at us; we are stronger than ANY adversity.

We have to be; for them.

I am a diabetes dad.

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8 replies on “Ever Noticed: Those Bruised the Most; Inspire the Most?”

another great post! I am always encouraged, supported, and inspired by you and the messages you share with the DOC!

Thank you for writing….I have never once in my life, ever, aimed for tears; it warms me to know that I have said something that resonated with someone. Thanks again.

I’m in tears… Not because I’m sad but because your text is just so beautifully written. =) Thank you for your constant encouraging words. They do not go unheard. Much love, from a diabetes mom. =)

Hi Tom,

I read your blog regularly. There have been many topics that reach home with me but this was something that I hold dear. My ex walked out on us a few months back for another man. Our son who is type 1 caught in the middle of the hurt and destruction when she left. I have been his primary care giver for the whole time she was going to school the last six years. My heart has missed my friend but knows that she no longer exists.

I have been trying to fill the void with all the things I used to love to do before her. I am a youth hockey coach, I mentor at F.I.R.S.T. robotics for some local high schools, I work with adults to teach them to read and tutor math in the R.E.A.D. program and I also volunteer with habitat for humanity. I also have full custody of my type 1 son. You would think that taking care of him full time would be enough for any one person but my heart still feels the need to reach out. I feel like there is so much of me to give and I want to show him how to be a good person.

Thank you for putting this together. It really does explain the people that get hurt who reach out to others.


Dear Tim,

First of all, thank you for reading my columns. I am glad that hey may ‘add a little’ to your day. Thank you so much for sharing such a painful experience to prove the point that no matter what is on your plate; you can still get done what you focus on. I have no doubt that you and your son will continue to grow, together. Reaching out is always a good thing and it is my hope that you continue to do so—-thanks again for sharing your story.

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