
No one……NO ONE…..Can DO it for YOU!!!!

up to youHow bad do you have it…….really?  The next time you feel like the world is collapsing around you, you have two choices.  Get it…..or it gets you.  There have been millions of families who have dealt with a diagnosis of diabetes and their kids play hockey, climb mountains, excel in school, become class officers, help in their community and do so much more.  How are you handling it?

When my second child was diagnosed, someone said to me, “….. my prayers will be that some how you find a way to cope……what will you do?”  I did not have to think for a second.  We did what we did when the first child was diagnosed.  We did all we could to own this disease and most important; to teach our kids how to own it.

Sure; I was so angry I could have put my fist through a wall [I did, actually 🙁  ].  I was mad as hell.  I was hurt.  I thought it unfair….completely unfair.  It-just-plain-sucked!

But there is too much to do.  People spend a great deal of time and energy walking around and feeling so very low.  If you need to do that….do that.  But at some point, you need to reevaluate and get this diabetes-thing under your control.  You need to get back in there…….and…….do!!!!!

There are so many people out there who have lost a child to this disease.  Some of them have created foundations, initiatives, and worked on other’s behalf to help them cope.  It will NEVER BE okay for them; but they have tried their damn-est to cope with the horror that has befallen their family.


If those individuals and families try so hard to make sure what happened to them does not happen to someone else; who am I to feel sorry for myself for any length of time?  Yeah, we all have our moments.  But doing nothing gets nothing results.

I’m so amazed when I hear people’s list of excuses why they cannot spend the time to learn for their own child, and/or do something to help in the so many diabetes causes out there; and I see so many others who have lost a child doing so much.  I’m humbled by that daily.  We all should be.

Just don’t do nothing!  What will you do today?  Begin or stay feeling sorry for yourself?  Your call!!!

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


2 replies on “No one……NO ONE…..Can DO it for YOU!!!!”

I believe that we all handle challenging life events in different ways. It took me about a year before I realized that I needed to move on, focus, live life and be a positive role model for my son. It is not easy but we can do it. What I realized helped me during this challenging time was looking at my character strengths (grit, resilience, optimism and willpower). Currently I am in the process of developing G.R.O.W. into a program where I will talk to people about how I managed to get through my challenging time. Through this process, I learned that my son also has these positive character traits. People in the D community helped me in many ways in the early days so I would like to share my story soon.

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