
Bobby Sox to Stockings……..Awwwwwww to Awe!

bobbysocksThere was a song made famous…….a long time ago….called Bobby Sox to Stockings. It was sung by a few people and you can go to YouTube and listen to it if you like.  The story of the song is about when a little girl grows into a woman.  It was a smash hit and I always liked the song.

How many times have we seen pictures of very young children with insulin pumps and living life despite their diabetes?  How many times have we looked at pictures of little kids giving their shots and thought how cute they are and so young to be dealing with diabetes?

When little kids battle something it just tugs at our heart-strings, does it not?  We think that no child should have to endure anything else but being a child.  A child with no cares and no worries…….but diabetes did not care about what we wanted or about childhoods………that’s the nature of diabetes.

Lately there have been a huge amount of photographs of kids graduating college, and soon that will be matched with a barrage of photographs of high school graduations.  As I looked at one the other day I thought, they have been cute and made us say “awwwwww’ when they were younger; but watching kids graduate, and doing so while dealing with diabetes is a pretty amazing thing to me.

Now I admit that it may be because my kids are older now but make no mistake about it, I am as driven today as I was September 26th, 1992 to cure this disease.  My point is that although they may not be as darling and cute as when they were, say, two-three-four; they are still just as amazing.  Everything they do, they have accomplished while dealing with diabetes.

So I have graduated from awwwwww to awe in what my kids do.  My heart still longs for them and still I’m just as proud.  All parents are proud this time of year and they should be; but only parents of a child with diabetes understands THAT journey.  What makes you proud of your child, now that diabetes has been around awhile?   They have gone from children to adults with diabetes…….I have watched them grow…….from bobby sox to stockings.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


2 replies on “Bobby Sox to Stockings……..Awwwwwww to Awe!”

I’m am so proud of the boy zach has become. You know where zach started from at age 3 and a moody little boy with diabetes! He has turned into a pleasant child who has overcome many obstacles! He had a language delay, social issues, mild hearing loss, allergies to formula….. Was fussy, hard to take places and didn’t really communicate with others well. Now that he is 11, you would hardly know where he came from! All that hard work paid off and I love being able to watch him blossom into his own person!

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