
It’s December 2nd, what are you doing for Diabetes Awar……oh Wait, That Passed Already….

Blue dogIt’s December 2nd, Diabetes Awareness Month is behind us……..and every year, after all of the hoopla, I’m quickly reminded we have so far to go.  I am on the plane to the IDF in Vancouver and I am once again reminded…..clearly.
Person: What does the blue circle represent?
Me: It’s from the International Diabetes Federation–it represents the unity of all efforts regarding diabetes.  There is more but that is why I wear it.  I have two children who battle type 1 and my dad battled type 2.
(get ready for it)
Person: I understand completely what you’re going through, my dog had it.

We have a winner.

Thing is, though, that truly may be all this person knew about diabetes, a teachable moment ahead.  So for the next hour we talked the diabetes talk.  A pair of eyes opened for sure.  And as we parted ways:
Me: Here, take my blue circle……and when someone asks……you can answer.
Person: Why thank you very much.

And that……..was that.

No blue building.  No blue hair.  No huge fund-raiser.  Just a dad talking to a person who had a dog with diabetes.

Diabetes Awareness is all year-long.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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