
How Much More Can One Take?????

Pencil breakI remember when Kaitlyn was first diagnosed.  Our world collapsed.  Things would never get better.  What will we do?  How will we move on?  This is the worse day of our lives.

Sound familiar?

But we did move on.  And as we moved on, life continued to…..well…..happen.  Someone once asked me how is that no matter what has come our way, we move forward?  My response was simply, “what’s the option?”

When Rob was diagnosed as well, the question came up again.  Since that time I have learned the word ‘cope’ when it came to such matters.  We certainly were not happy about it but we were also certainly familiar with what needed to get done.  When people tell me of their bad week with a flat tire in the market, I think back to that week Rob was diagnosed, because it was also four days after my dad died.

Life continued.

Our family has had our share with tragedy, disease, death.  I firmly believe that no one in life dodges that bullet.  I learned that everyone is dealt……  You cannot do anything about it but you CAN DO something when it lands at your doorstep.  THAT is where the choice comes in.

Things impact each person differently.  But since the day my best friend died in 1981, I felt as if my skin started to become just a tad thicker on what would devastate me.  I recently thought, as I looked back on my life, about A…..B….C that occurred in my life.  It does not matter what they are, I know what they are, and you also have had an A…..B…..C in your life too.  If we ever stopped to think about it BEFORE it happened, we would also think that it would be too much and we would crumble.

But we didn’t, did we?

Life is not a la-la bed of roses, life is life.  It is as it comes; and it is out choice to be bogged down with the bad……or to choose to look for and find the good.  It is our choice to continue on.  It is our choice to be true to ourselves.

Everyone does not have to agree with our beliefs and heck, everyone does not even have to like us.  How we let things impact us is completely, and utterly, up to us.  Life is for those who are here.  Knocked down does not mean knocked out.  And as long as you pick yourself up each and every time and move on, you are on your way.

I have found that for each ‘hit’ I’ve taken, I rebound a little quicker.  Not growing ‘cold or immune’ to the feeling, but knowing that tomorrow will come and as my dad used to say; “The sun will surely rise tomorrow”.  And if it doesn’t, we wouldn’t know it anyway.

So remember that WE ALL do not escape the world around us, of that I am certain.  But I also know that more people seem to be happiest when they take the GREAT things that happen in-between the bad; and live life to the best they can.  You can live life thinking it will always get better or that it will just be bad again.  Is it not better to choose life and find the things to appreciate every day………isn’t it really just too precious and fragile to think of it any other way?

I am a diabetes dad.

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