
Our Diabetes World NEEDS a Smokey the Bear……..any Takers??????

Smokey the BearThere is this commercial presently running on television in the United States.  It’s a commercial warning that your child could be at a very high risk of a fatal disease by merely casual contact of their peers.  At first I thought it was a fairly decent commercial warning of a potential hazard.

Of course it was more.  It was actually a commercial to get you to have your child vaccinated with their drug.  There are other commercials out there like this.  Many have to do with flu shots as well.

This got me to thinking.  There are many other commercials created for the only reason……..they are needed.

Many great PSA (Public Service Announcements) commercials are actually products of the Ad Council.  The Ad Council, by their own mission statement; Identifies a select number of significant public issues and stimulate action on those issues through communication programs that make a measurable difference in our society.

Hundreds of Ad Agencies, Sponsors, Media Partners, Corporations all have joined forces and have been responsible for some of the greatest campaigns…….well…..EVER.  Their longest running campaign, lasting over 70 years, has been those surrounding Smokey the Bear.  Worldwide has been their success on relaying the truthful impact that “Only You, Can Prevent Forest Fires.”  Simple.  Hugely effective.  Fun.  A message worth gold.

There have been so many initiatives within our community of late.  Issues of importance that need public awareness.  Imagine if there was an Ad Council for our diabetes world?  If all the companies gave one or two individuals, along with a few other advocates, and joined together and became the ‘think-tank’ for messaging on issues pertaining to diabetes.

Once a year we would meet at….let’s say……the ADA Annual Scientific meeting……and decide two or three messages and an ad campaign would be created.  Maybe even create one PSA annually to benefit T1D, one to benefit T2D, and one generic for whatever else is needed.  Let’s call ourselves The Diabetes Initiative for Ads to Better Enlighten, Teach, and Engage Society; or The D.I.A.B.E.T.E.S Council.

Surely there are enough companies to be involved that would make this extremely worth while.  And who would win?  The millions out there who have diabetes.
How cool would it be to see PSAs running and at the end a logo is show and the voiceover says; “The preceding was made possible through the D.I.A.B.E.T.E.S. Council”?

Send this article to someone in a leadership position at a company you know.  Tell  them to reach out to me and we will get the wheels moving.  Anything good begins with just an idea……any takers?

I am a diabetes dad.

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