
NEWSBREAK Report: T1D in Children Rising; and a Woman You NEED to follow “Closely”.

Going upKelly Close’s DiaTribe published a very interesting finding based on a recent study in Diabetes Care……it states (according to DiaTribe);
“……..more US children and adolescents have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in recent years: the disease’s annual prevalence in a large, insured population increased 53% between 2002 and 2013, from 1.48 to 2.33 cases per 1,000 people. The study used data from insurance companies to survey the rate of diabetes in ~10 million US children and adolescents younger than 18 years old, so it does not tell us how diagnoses of type 1 may be changing in adults. It is not clear why type 1 diagnoses are increasing so rapidly.”

Now if you look at those stats a little more closely, it used to be that 1.48 cases per 1,000 were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and the new study shows that it is now 2.33.  Now in dealing with percentages, that means that almost an additional person per 1,000 cases is being diagnosed with T1D.  THAT’s alarming.

You can read Kelly’s full assessment/article by clicking here.

Click the link and read her article; pay close attention to her conclusion.  It will shake your cage and reinforce what many have stated for some time.  And if you do not follow her, you should.  Kelly has an incredible talent to call things as they are, usually with little sweetener (pun intended).

If you do not know Kelly, I can tell you that she is a shoot-from-the-hip kind of writer; and probably one of the most knowledgeable people on what is happening in our diabetes world.   Little, if anything, gets by her and/or her team.  She has taken her battle with diabetes (of over 25 years) and her desire to know every/any-thing she can, and after she ferociously learns for herself, she graciously shares with the world what she finds.

Kelly is also the same person who meets you with a warm smile (one of the biggest smiles I know) when you see her at one of the many conferences dealing with diabetes, taking place annually.  It’s not ‘unusual’ to see her and/or members of her team running from one session to another to capture, for us, what is going on.

Diabetes.  She writes about all aspects of diabetes.  ALL.  You may not agree with everything that is written, and truth be known, you shouldn’t.  I have often felt that if you want to be amused, you read the comics; if you want to learn, read writers who challenge you to think and to learn for yourself.  Writers should open a dialogue; and Kelly is the master.

So if you are always trying to figure out what is real and what is not; what are facts and what is rhetoric; what is the truth and what is mere fabrication….give yourself a New Year’s gift and follow Kelly’s DiaTribe more closely.  In a few months you will feel more educated, and in the know, about what so many merely think they know.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



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