
NEWSBREAK: SERIOUSLY!!!! Yes…Again. A Child Dies. Missed Diagnosed T1D

SantanaThis was taken from their “Go Fund Me Page”.
For the loss of my nephew, Kedrick “Santana” Callaway
He was diagnosed wrong at a hospital, to find out it wasn’t a stomach virus… to find his sugar was too high for him which caused him to unexpectedly pass away.
He was born: 2/11/03
He died: 4/8/16
His mom is…. Shamora “Hope” Hall
a wonderful mom, a single parent, busting her butt to work and provide for her kids.

If you have a few bucks lying around and feel so inclined… help this family….click this link to go to their Go Fund Me Page.

Do you think people, advocacy organizations, and the health community will start to believe that we indeed have a problem going on here?  Do you think they will ever believe it enough to do something?

I’ll keep screaming about it until the SILENCED Children’s Cry for Change gets heard.
As long I have air in my lungs I swear this fight will continue…..until these kids voices get heard loud enough to foster change.

I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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