
Why Would Anyone Ride 185 Miles…….Cuz They Care!

Cabot trail
I like to support people doing things to help a diabetes cause… is such a day.  people do bike rides….but when someone really ‘does not’ and attempts 185 miles and having diabetes (with training of course)—-well I believe that is noteworthy.  So here is Samantha and her ride, which started to help find a cure for her husband who has T1D…..They also ride for you, for your kids, for your grandkids…..think about giving 10 bucks or so.  Thanks.

Written by Samantha (with an update):
Their bikes are gone and go they have done….
Starting yesterday and until 11, two sisters, a med student, and a T1D, will be setting out to conquer the 185 mile Cabot Trail around Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. We will be biking to raise awareness and funds for the Diabetes Research Institute in its quest to cure type 1 diabetes.

The scientific community has made numerous strides over the past several years in developing better treatments for type 1, and are ever closer to a cure.

If you or someone you love has type 1 diabetes, then you know that it is an autoimmune disease that can strike anyone at any time and causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin. You know that type 1 diabetes robs children of the freedom and innocence of childhood; that it takes lives prematurely; and that patients worry about their future as they try to manage diabetes every minute of every day. The one thing you dream about: a cure for type 1 diabetes.

We ask you to please join us and the rest of the T1D community in our fight to eradicate this devastating disease entirely.

They are very excited for this adventure and ask that when you get a free minute, please spread the word and consider donating to our cause. Every amount helps.

To learn more about type 1 diabetes and the wonderful and promising research that is currently underway, please visit:

Thank you all so much…let the journey begin!

-Sam (Samantha Jean Henry), Dylan (Henry/Husband), Lauren (Weiner/Sister) and Neo (Zambas) are on their way—–if you have a few bucks why not invest in four people making a difference.
—to donate to their cause.

Follow our adventure: #CycleCabot4TheCure

I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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