
Can One Person Make a Difference???—Here’s One that Does. Be Inspired.

Carol's stuffed animalsI hear it constantly.  I cannot make a difference.  I do not have the time.  What can one person do?  Now listen closely about what one person can do, if they choose to set their mind to it.

My cousin Carol is one of these people who has a heart the size of Texas.  She always has.  I always have envied that she balances kids, and work, then adds grandchildren, and then adds whatever else she is doing to help others whether it be at a school or church; Carol is there.  She does not ‘look’ for time, she ‘FINDS’ the time.

The picture above is made up of animals she made for a pre-school in Haiti.  “They have little”, she states, “perhaps this will brighten their day.”  Just like that, just that simple.

My brother Joe, who I have written about before, has always been one of my true heroes.  A minister and outreach director for Cru, Campus Crusade for Christ, Joe has helped so many in both their personal and spiritual needs; he allows God to work through him and the so many he touches.

When he found out about what Carol was doing, he shared a story—it is THIS story that again shows how powerful things are to others when you reach out and touch them…..even if you never, ever know.

Here’s Joe’s quick story as he shared it:
Lenisse is a Cru Alum (Meaning as a college student, she was one of Cru’s leaders at Medgar Evers College–my life’s work, indeed my life’s calling is with Cru). She is married now living in St. Louis. As a child, Lennise lived in rather poor conditions in Belize. Through Operation Christmas Child, she received a gift from someone in the states. Years later, as a college student, she spoke at Operation Christmas Child gift collection events at Medgar Evers College and Pace University telling her story as to what the gift meant to her. It is for this reason, Carol, I am confident your labor will do SO MUCH MORE than ‘brighten their day’. They will NEVER forget it. I wish there were more like you!

Never underestimate the little things you do.  Little things are big things to those who receive them.  But if we don’t do them………they’ll never know, will they?  Not all stories make us cry and bubble over, sometimes they just make us think……”what can I do to help someone else?”…….and that ain’t so bad, is it?

As Joe stated, I wish there were more people like Carol, and add to that; a few more like Joe wouldn’t be so bad either.
I am a DiabetesDad.
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