
This Month IS NOT for the Diabetes Community….it’s for Those Who Know Nothing!!!!

diabetes-blue-circleWell, it’s here.  It’s November 1st.  It’s the beginning of Diabetes Awareness Month. My article today is going to be very short.  This month is not for you or for me.  We ARE AWARE ALREADY of diabetes.  I do not choose this month to celebrate that my kids CHOOSE to live a great life with this stupid disease.  We DO THAT all year round.


This is Diabetes Awareness Month….to make people…….aware.  THAT SHOULD BE your single focus this month.  To do something so those outside our community are made aware of what diabetes is and in fact, why not take a poster from or and place them up in your community.

We are aware already, touting what we know can be a large dose of spent energy.  Just Don’t Do Nothing this month of Diabetes Awareness…… something so another does not die from being misdiagnosed.  Do something so someone says, “Oh, that is the difference between T1D and T2D.”  Do something and post in a social media site, THAT IS NOT part of the diabetes community.

Most of us dealing with in a loved one, or dealing with it as a person with diabetes…….WE KNOW.  This month, share something with those who do not and it will be a true Diabetes Awareness Month.

Diabetes is what they have, not who they are.  Let others know the difference.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

8 replies on “This Month IS NOT for the Diabetes Community….it’s for Those Who Know Nothing!!!!”

I have been a Diabetes MUM for almost 30 years. My son does not have a life partner to walk beside him so I am still his carer. After 2 years on kidney dialysis due to chronic kidney failure due, of course, to T1d, and after a recent simultaneous pancreas kidney transplant, we are learning a whole new set of rules. It never really ends!

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