
More Than Standing on Two Legs……….These Marvels DO It on Wheels……..Be Inspired.

BT1 RidersTo do the impossible.  To march into hell for a heavenly cause.  To do what others could only imagine.  To go beyond the limits.  To go beyond type one.

Twenty riders leaving New York and riding…….riding…..riding……4296 miles to San Francisco.  Some are fairly new at riding and yet, some, are not new to being adventurous at all.  One swam around the island of Manhattan, one rode a long distance in Europe, one even is on the third trip across America.  One is an Engineer. One is a former beauty pageant contestant.  One just wants to bring awareness to mental health and diabetes.  All types; these 20 riders.

They all…………………………are heroes.
For whatever the reason they chose to ride, they all have a purpose in common and that is to break down the stereotypes of having T1D and to reach for a goal that some only talk about……they do more than act……..they ride…….ride across America.

They are stopping in cities all across their 10 week trek from East to West Coast crossing 15 different states meeting and encouraging others who have T1D, meeting with media telling their stories and through it all……….pushing their bodies beyond incredible endurance.

Because they all believe in living life to the fullest beyond their type one diabetes, and they do not want to just talk about it…..they’re doing it!  Showing the world that they too should and could live beyond their own imagination, beyond restrictions, beyond limits.

The link to their site is below.  Spend some time on it and feel their energy and their magic.  Do something to help them and it does not have to be by a donation, but you can always do that too.  Check out their site.

An amazing group, these twenty riders who choose to show the world that the best way to live with your diabetes, is to just…….live……..beyond.  Spend some time on their site and click here.
I am a DiabetesDad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

One reply on “More Than Standing on Two Legs……….These Marvels DO It on Wheels……..Be Inspired.”

It’s really true:”Because they all believe in living life to the fullest beyond their type one diabetes, and they do not want to just talk about it…..they’re doing it! Showing the world that they too should and could live beyond their own imagination, beyond restrictions, beyond limits.”

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