
Your Child May Listen to These Folks….Even More Than They Listen to YOU!

Unless you are a parent of a child with diabetes and actually have diabetes, you do not know what it means to have it, and live with it, every second.  I have stated that many times.  Conversely, children who have diabetes do not know the pain we, as parents, feel.

Today I am listing many members who write about what it is like to live with diabetes who actually have diabetes.  In as much as parents talk to each other to both empower and help each other, no matter how hard we try; our kids KNOW we do not have it.  I do believe at some point or another, a child ‘will play that card’ to remind us that WE JUST DO NOT KNOW…….and they would be correct.

Take a look at this powerful list below of people who write about living with diabetes.  Read them, but more importantly, share the ones you like with your child who has diabetes because the information these writers pass on…… invaluable.

This group from the Diabetes Advocates web page do not have to write about what they know.  But they do.  They do it with humor, pain, and reflection to help all those who are on the same journey that they have been on for some time.

We would never choose to make a meal that we have never tried before without a recipe, would we?  We would look to the experts who have made the dish before to show us how to do it perfectly.  Well here is your recipe to help your child; read them, and follow them for a few weeks.  When you find one or two that you really like; just print out some of their articles and leave them around the house.  Your child, who of course is at the appropriate age to use a computer, will find it and take it from there.

They write great stuff.   Many have achieved great things.  But mostly, they write from their heart-felt experiences.  And what can be better than that?

We really do not know what it is like to live with diabetes……….here is a gift you can give your child(ren) who have diabetes; the gift of experience.  What they are feeling these writers know already.  Been there, done that.  We thank them for their efforts on first-hand-lessons we could never teach.

I am a diabetes dad.

DA Resources for Type 1 Diabetes Bill Woods

Bill produces diabetes video logs, or vlogs.  It’s all about having the right diabetes attitude Aliza Chana Zaleon

Aliza lives with type 1 diabetes and multiple other chronic illnesses. She tries not to let that define her; rather, she has decided to DEFY the odds! Karen Graffeo

Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in Dec 1979, Karen blogs about its up and downs at Bitter-Sweet. Scott Strumello

Scott writes about and provides an analytical view of the most current type 1 diabetes issues, including his acclaimed ‘Business of Diabetes’ feature. Tony Rose

A blog and podcast about real life with diabetes. Tamar Sofer-Geri

The Carb DM website complements the work Carb DM does to bring the type 1 community together. Cara Richardson

Living life with type 1 diabetes. Every day, every hour, every minute! Kelly Kunik

Author of the patient blog, Diabetesaliciousness. Kelly is a diabetes advocate; blogger, speaker, writer, humorist and living-with-diabetes consultant. Mike Young

Mike is interested in healthcare social media consulting and diabetes advocacy. Martin Wood

Diabetically Speaking is about life with diabetes and all the adventures that happen in between. Martin Wood has had type 1 diabetes for more than 30 years, and is a medical librarian, a cyclist, and a purveyor of all things awesome. Martin has an affinity for all things plaid, and believes that in everything we do, we should find a way to have fun doing it. Erin M. Akers

Diabulimia Helpline is a non-proft organization devoted to the support, education, and advocacy of diabulimics and their families. DBH is working to help diabetics with eating disorders find hope and recovery through their 24 hour hotline (425) 985-3635, three online support groups, an insurance specialist, regional workshops, and a direct line to the best treatment programs in the U.S.. Kelly Booth

A type 1 diabetes patient since January 1984, Kelly shares what she has been through, including neuropathy and gastroparesis, and provides information to help others. Susi Rafati

Susi has been living with LADA (slow-onset, antibody positive diabetes in adults) for 35 years, and  uses an insulin pump. Naomi Kingery

Naomi Kingery, also known as The Diabetic Diva®, has been involved in the diabetic community since her diagnosis at the age of twelve. She is the author of The Sugar Free Series, and the writer of  the blog Stephen Richert

Stephen writes about climbing and adventuring with type 1 diabetes Jessica Collins

Jess has lived with type 1 diabetes since 1993. She shares her random thoughts and musings on life with diabetes on MeandD. Megan A. Quickle

Megan created Megan’s Touch to combine diabetes blogging, education and advocacy to find a cure for diabetes. Megan has had type 1 diabetes for 24 years. Sara “Knicks” Nicastro

Diagnosed with T1 diabetes as an adult, Sara advocates for living life to the fullest. “I’d rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” George Simmons

George shares all sides of his diabetes life in order to reach those who feel alone. Pearlsa Bintomani

A girl’s life collides with type 1 diabetes and she becomes an advocate. Stacey Divone

Living with type 1 diabetes for 30 years,  Stacey has had her “portable pancreas” (or insulin pump) for five. Her site shares her story of coping with diabetes and everything else life has thrown her way. Cheri Pate

Each time we meet a new person with diabetes or the loved one of a person with diabetes, we have the opportunity to learn something new about diabetes and ourselves. Mollie Busby

Riding on Insulin features ski/snowboard camps for kids and teens living with type 1 diabetes. Scott K. Johnson

Scott’s Diabetes is where Scott talks about living his life with type 1 diabetes. Kerri Sparling

Kerri Sparling has been living well with type 1 diabetes since 1986. She manages her diabetes and lives her life by the mantra “Diabetes doesn’t define me, but it helps explain me.” Scott Strange

Diagnosed in 1970, Scott Strange believes in being brutally honest about diabetes and shares his experiences so that others may benefit from them. Melissa Lee

Melissa Lee was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1990 at the age of 10. She voices her journey as a diabetic, a singer, and a mommy at her blog Sweetly Voiced.  Heidi-Jane James

The T1 Consulting Organization is concerned with raising awareness of type 1 diabetes and supporting type 1 diabetics in living  a healthy and sporty life. Kim Vlasnik

Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1986 at the age of six, Kim writes about and illustrates her life with diabetes on Texting My Pancreas. Lee Ann Thill

A lifetime of type 1 diabetes: reflections on the struggles and triumphs, inspiration, art and the creation of meaning. Sysy Morales

The Girl’s Guide to Diabetes seeks to encourage and empower women with diabetes to live their lives to the best of their ability. Chris Stocker

The Life of a Diabetic is a blog about what Chris Stocker, a person with type 1 diabetes, goes through on an everyday basis. Just another person living a normal life with diabetes. Merle Gleeson

Living with diabetes is a constant challenge, and connecting with others in the same situation can help us feel less alone. Tony Cervati

This organization is dedicated to all people affected by diabetes, particularly those who ride and race bicycles. The primary goals of type1rider are outreach and advocacy. Victoria Cumbow

For more than 19 years, Victoria has lived with diabetes and learned that having a support network contributes beyond all imagination to her diabetes management and control. Asha Brown

We Are Diabetes is an organization primarily devoted to promoting support and awareness for the eating disorder diabulimia. We are dedicated to providing support, hope and resources to those who suffer from diabulimia, as well as to their families and loved ones. Mike Lawson

Mike Lawson’s YouTube series My Life As A Pin Cushion, is a positive, comedic way for him to share some of the lessons he has learned living with diabetes and to spread the positive message that a diabetes diagnosis doesn’t mean that you have to stop living.


3 replies on “Your Child May Listen to These Folks….Even More Than They Listen to YOU!”

My son was diagnosed with Type I on Sept 28, 1998 (a little over 14 years ago). At the time, I plead with God many times to let me take this trial and let him go free. Unfortunately, it does not work like that. In 2008, I was diagnosed with Type II, which gives me some idea what it feels like, but it isn’t quite the same. Lows make you feel like crap. You feel like all your energy has evaporated and you have a feeling that my son describes as “jello-y.” Highs also feel horrible. You can feel the pressure in your fingers.

Thanks Tom for this list – I will share some/all of them with Steph who really desperately needs some encouragement from someone who has it. In as much as I or my family has lived it for 15+ years it’s not the same coming from our mouthes that’s for sure. Just wish that I could take it over for her and let her live the rest of her life without type 1 D……

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