
Hey, Pat Yourself on the Back

You need to see how far you have come. When it is 3 a.m. and your child’s blood sugar is just not coming down.  When you have been up through the night trying to figure out whether the pizza or the peach is why your child’s blood glucose levels are through the roof.  When you […]



I’m in New Jersey this week as I write this column.  I walked outside my hotel this morning, and some helicopters were flying overhead.  I looked up at them and as my gaze lowered, I realized I was looking at Manhattan from the New Jersey side, and directly across from me was lower Manhattan.   The […]


Being ‘AT IT’ a Long, Long Time

Someone once asked me how long I would be ‘at this diabetes thing’?  I’m sure my eyes fluttered extensively as I heard the question.  I’m not really sure what the question means.  To ‘stop’ at this diabetes thing would mean the battle was over.  It would have been won or lost, but it would be […]


Hey Mom, Hey Dad; Now is the Time-BE READY!

August is usually one of the most exciting times for our kids.  Many have left high school and are about to head off to college or begin a career.  In as much as we, as parents, are excited it cannot be understated to make sure a ‘half-an-eye’ is focused on our children.  Not denying the […]


Truly Deserving People in the Name of One Incredible Lisa

14 Years is a long time. This is year 14 that I have bestowed the Lisa Award on some deserving people in the diabetes world.  14 years ago since my dear friend and wife of my Little Brother (from another mother but just as close as a real brother) Mark, has left this world.  You […]


T1D; Could Not a Cure Just be a REALLY Useful Management Tool?

Since the day I walked away from my acting career, I have spent almost my entire professional life in the “diabetes space”.  I made a promise to my two kids that I would stay at this until a cure is found.  But cure is both a relative and loaded term. I, too, was severely ‘duped’ […]