
Stop Discussing the POINT……..Discuss the Truth of Knowledge.

I saw a great saying on-line recently. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to include it in a fruit salad. Sometimes we know things but do we put into practice what we know?  Are we more interested in defending a stance than opening up our minds and our hearts to […]


My Heart was Not Ready…..Does it Happen to You?

At what point do we ever let go? I was in the bathroom getting ready and was unable to get to my phone.  In a matter of about 30 seconds my cell phone went off twice with messages, rang once, and my hotel room phone rang twice. Kaitlyn and I were traveling this weekend with the CWD conference; […]


PLEASE Reply and Let Ben Know How Great He Is……..In a Research Trial at THIS MOMENT!!!!!

This is Ben.  Right now he is enrolled in a clinical trial to help others, like himself, who battle diabetes.  He is doing this trial as YOU READ THIS ARTICLE. He could be playing somewhere.  He could be watching TV.  He could also not be hooked up to medical equipment at this very moment.   You can […]