
The iPhone……”I’ Indeed……We are Losing the Concept of ‘WE’….and Quickly!

I was out this week and I saw a young couple at a table in a restaurant.  They were both speaking to each other but more than “half-an-eye” was on the hand-held phone device as they ‘spoke’ to each other. Do you have that visual in your head? Now ask yourself where are you on […]


Do You Have a DiabeTattoo??..Be Part of the DiabeTattoo Museum at Healthline.

DiabeTattoos are showing up everywhere.  Body art, as popular as it has become, has feverishly infiltrated the world of diabetes.  Our friends over at are creating a place for DiabeTattoos to be seen collectively, A DiabeTattoo Museum as it were.  Take a look at their slide show at: . But wait…..they are nowhere near done […]