We have all heard that phrase, have we not? There is even a popular song out there saying the same thing. If it does not kill us, it makes us stronger. If we survive whatever we go through, the only option is to die or for us to become stronger. But does ‘killing us’ have to […]
Tag: diabetes dad
How can I do that? Why would I do that? Because it’s needed, perhaps, or perhaps even an answer to a dare. I stood above a mountain that was curved at the bottom and about 12 feet high to stop those from riding above the hill and out over the lake. “Anyone ever go over that […]
“I am a newly diagnosed parent and I can use your prayers.” Sound familiar? The comments are usually many: “Done” “Will be praying for you and your family.” “Praying very hard for you.” “Will do.” When I have read this request, and I have indeed prayed; I have found myself at times thinking of one […]
What a whirlwind of a week it has been and if you have been online at all you saw an incredible amount of activity out in the world of diabetes; with the world of diabetes; and for the world of diabetes. It is a huge world out there and so much needs to get done; […]
This is a picture of one of my favorite actors. He is brilliant. He is talented. And on one night he made a verbal error that has captured the attention of the entire online community. But I, as usual, had an interesting and different thought; at least I thought it was. Idina Menzel was being introduced […]
“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” —-Goethe There are a few phrases you should know to keep your sanity in this world of diabetes. Whether it’s a discussion, a phone call, a support group meeting, or a lively discussion on-line; you should probably learn to say these phrases; or at least add […]