
DIABETES BLOG WEEK ENTRY 5: Tips to Help Out–Wake Us Up, Halloween, Sleepovers and More!!!!!

  Day 5 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and will take place through May 18th.  Today is about the tricks of the trade; and we have a few.  Things that we have done that, perhaps, others may not have thought of which helps a […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK ENTRY 4: A Word from an ‘Often-Missed’ Diabetes Tool.

Day 4 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and will take place through May 18th.  We, as writers this week, are given the opportunity to substitute the daily topic with another suggestion on the list.  Today I will use that option and write a short […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK ENTRY 3: What Gets Us Down….ah, um-Not so Fast!

Well today is Day 3 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and will take place through May 18th.  Day 3: What Brings Me Down………but wait (he says). This sounds like it could be a very depressing topic doesn’t it?  I’m sure we can all […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK ENTRY 2: Poetry: The Loudest Thing in the House

Once again, Karen Graffeo, who blogs at Bittersweet Diabetes is hosting Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started yesterday and will take place through May 18th.  Day 2: Today’s topic: Poetry. The Loudest Thing in the House Clock ticks. I am alone.  Too low to sleep comfortable.  Will recheck in a few. Clock ticks. Seems […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK-ENTRY 1: What is My Passion? I’m Glad You Asked!!!!

Once again, Karen Graffeo, who blogs at Bittersweet Diabetes is hosting Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week will take place from May 12th through May 18th.  So Here I am……willing and able.   Today’s topic: What am I passionate about? As many know, I have many different passions when it comes to diabetes.  In no […]


A Young Lady, Despite All Odds, Hit Her Goal. What’s Your Excuse?

Our kids are truly amazing, are they not?  I am struck this morning about a story, or more of a happening, that a good friend of mine has gone through this week.  It is not enough that this woman’s job has her putting her own life on the line for us each and every day, […]