
Knowing Every Piece of the Puzzle, Sometimes, is Just None of Our Business.

There comes a point, in situations, when information given should be enough information received.  I have often found it interesting in this ‘instant information’ world how much people press for details.  But truthfully, there comes a time when more information will do little to change our individual world. It is a given that when someone […]



Bill Cosby did it, so did a man by the name of Art Linkletter; they hosted a show entitled Kids Say the Darndest Things.  The title says it all; one never knows what kids will say and I have found it incredibly hilarious when I have read a story of something a child said; and parents have […]


A ‘Rockwellesque’ Town Where Diabetes is a ‘YAY’ Because it WILL NOT WIN

Duncansville, Pennsylvania is a little town that I am sure famed artist Norman Rockwell would have loved.   Strangers actually smile and DO SAY hello when passing, and you can feel the ‘local-ness’ from everyone in the town.  It sits in the heart of hills and mountains all around and almost every building looks like it has a […]


DIABETES BLOG ENTRY 7: My Favorite Things/Blog Week….In Song of Course

Day 7 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and today is the last day.  Congratulations on a simple idea that grows each year. Today is our favorite things about this week.  So with apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein (and surely Julie Andrews as well); to the tune […]


DIABETES WEEK ENTRY 6: Diabetes through Pictures

Day 6 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and will take place through May 18th. Today is diabetes through pictures. Just a few that have meant so much. Take a look.  Know this: It is about LIVING with diabetes. I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK ENTRY 5: Tips to Help Out–Wake Us Up, Halloween, Sleepovers and More!!!!!

  Day 5 for Karen Graffeo’s (who blogs and hosts at Bittersweet Diabetes) Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week started Monday and will take place through May 18th.  Today is about the tricks of the trade; and we have a few.  Things that we have done that, perhaps, others may not have thought of which helps a […]