
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #14 for D-Month: For Whom is World Diabetes Day Recognized on November 14th?????

….who is Sir Frederick Banting Below is a quick bio of the man who is responsible for the discovery of insulin; his birthday is November 14th, TODAY, and it is this date that the International Diabetes Federation decided was the best day to be World Diabetes Day……and they would be correct.  There have been many great ‘findings’ over the […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #13 for D-Month. She said “Let’s Meet” in 1999 and Created the Largest Gathering of D-Families on Earth.

…and the answer is who is Laura Billetdeaux. In 1999 Laura contacted people online to say that she and her family would be traveling to Florida and if they wanted to meet, they could discuss family dynamic dealing with diabetes.  Laura, who has a son with diabetes, thought that only good could come out of this gathering […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #12 for D-Month. In College She Wanted to Change the World; upon Graduation she DID JUST THAT!!!!!!!

……..who is Christina Roth. She is a living example that just because someone is young, that they cannot make a big difference in this world.  Change begins by taking a first-step—that step became a leap, Make no mistake about it that Christina Roth is a major force within the diabetes community.  She is the CEO and […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #11 for D-Month: Veterans Day-A Hero as You have Never Met Before.

…..Who is Sergeant First Class Mark Thompson. For Veteran’s Day….this story just seemed to be a natural.  Enjoy the video of someone who was not only a hero dealing with diabetes; he was a hero on the battlefield. Happy Veterans Day. CLICK:  here for the video. For Diabetes Awareness Month: This month, I will be highlighting […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #10 for D-Awareness Month: The One Who SHOULD GET Most of the Credit; But Takes Little…..

….and the answer is who is; YOU As I started to write tonight’s jeopardy question, something very wonderful entered my head.  It was tens of thousands of individuals who do what they can with this thing called diabetes. We all have different thoughts on so many different aspects of this world of diabetes.  We support different […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #9 for D-Awareness Month—-His ‘Online Degree’ Could Save Your Life!!!

…..who is Gary Scheiner. If there is anyone on earth who has taken personal experienced and turned it into an ‘online’ university for diabetes, it is Gary Scheiner’s Integrated Diabetes Services where anyone, anywhere can be taught a better diabetes management style linking into his site.   No more diabetes police hounding away (parents……that’s us) but […]