
Still the One Special Dad—and Things he Taught All of Us

Gifts my dad gave me and how they relate to life and diabetes: …..don’t start something you won’t finish. I will stop this diabetes journey when my kids are able to and not one second before. …..if you believe in something, say it, do not spend the wasted time defending it because if it is […]


Why I Love Being a Dad….Why Do You?

Kids are amazing. With this weekend being father’s day I thought I would write (and also ask you to share) a few things that I have always liked about being a father.  What do you like?  What does your husband like?  What was your fondest memories of your kids; that makes you love being a […]


Dad, Father, Pop, Daddy, and Diabetes—-SIGH

Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads. Dads. Dad are unique breed when it comes to diabetes.  We try to look like we have it all together but in truth, we become a mess.  There are millions and millions of Hallmark Cards that tout the strengths of dads and the things dads do that […]