
PORKED!–Pig Insulin, Pig Islets, Pigskin, & a Pig Roast—A VERY PIGGY DAY!

Michael Otten (far right) with Vinny, Robert (and Gigi) were up bright and early organizing their PIG ROAST 2012 to benefit the Diabetes Research Institute and the Children with Diabetes Foundation.

After I spoke with him this morning I had this thought of the irony of an event to end diabetes and the connections.

Many of you may not know this but years ago insulin was made from pork.  We certainly have come a long way since we had to give Kaitlyn those shots.  One of the biggest challenges with curing diabetes is having enough islets cells when that procedure is perfected for our kids and a solution being touted right now is purified porcine (pork) islets.  Michael and I are huge Jets fans (hence the pigskin) and today over 200 people will gather throughout the day at The Otten’s annual pig roast.

Now there are a zillion different fund-raising events through out the United States but I have to admit, what Michael, Gigi, and family and friends pull off here is truly one of the truly unique events out there. 

A PIG ROAST.  Really?

A full brick coal-pit and a roasting pig and more food and drink than you will ever see in one place at one time.   People all through the United States give so generously to so many different diabetes organizations.  The volunteers.  They amaze me with each and every event I am fortunate to attend.

Toady at a Pig Roast on Long Island–I will toast to all those who ‘don’t do nothing’… benfit those who live with diabetes everyday; to thank them.

Toast to a cure…..and there is nothing piggy in wishing for that, is there?

I am a Diabetesdad.

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