
The Focus MUST STAY IN WASHINGTON, Not The Problem with Less Expensive Insulin

There has been much discussion of late regarding insulin which is available at places like Walmart for a very reasonable expense.  Some are saying/reporting that people died by going on that particular insulin which they were forced to do because of the cost of the insulin usually used has skyrocketed out of control. I’m not […]


The Time I was Part of NY’s Famous Easter Bonnet Competition

So every year about this time, my heart goes deeply back to my roots of the NY Theatre scene.  For it was the NY Theatre scene that, in essence, readied me for a career I am now in, fund-raising.  True, I wear a few hats, but at the end of the day fund-raising for the […]


Congress A+…….But PBMs and Insulin Companies, it’s the SAME Routine

Soooooooooo I listened to the The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee recording of the meeting held today, Wednesday, April 10, at 10:30 am on The Hill. The hearing was entitled, “Priced Out of a Lifesaving Drug: Getting Answers on the Rising Cost of Insulin.” Once again, you can click the link to see the hearings yourself […]


Insulin Costs…..Today May have been the Day the Tides Turned…….Time Will Surely Tell

If you have any feeling whatsoever about the ongoing problem of the cost of Insulin, you must find a few hours to sit and watch Priced Out of a Life Saving Drug: the Human Impact of Rising Insulin Costs which was a Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation of the Energy & Commerce Committee held on Tuesday, April 2nd. It […]


Transparency, No Matter What is Announced, That’s All Folks

Lilly Announced in a press release that they were reducing the cost of Humolog Insulin by half, bringing the vial cost to $137.35.  You can read the release here.  Needless to say, the social media world erupted with everything from praise to disdain at the news.  Me, well quite honestly, it left me scratching my head […]


Lawsuit Against Insulin Companies Can Move Forward…..Tick Tick Tick

Below is the press release from Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP.  They are a consumer-rights class-action law firm with 10 offices across the country. They have won quite a few cases in the history of these type cases.The release is below with permission. I spoke to a representative of the Law Firm tonight who stated that […]