
T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)…….these dads are serious.

Today’s T.G.I.F. are a group of men I met recently.  When I was over in the UK with the Children with Diabetes I met a group of dads, an amazing group of dads.

They are regulars dads, husbands, partners, with regular jobs, likes, responsibilities and in many ways are just like any other dads…….but they have achieved something that I have not witnessed before in my 20 years at this ‘diabetes’ thing…….they have a bond, a really tight bond.

They have created a mechanism that works for them incredibly well.  They have a trust.  They have a place they go where they can talk about anything they want from diabetes to sports to anything else that comes into their lives that they need to discuss.  They do it in a place that they have built where there is a comfort level knowing that it will stay within the confides of the group.  When it comes to dads, this kind of group is unique to me.

There ARE dads groups and discussion groups that are run very well, but these men have made a location where it is mano y mano only to discuss whatever it is they need to discuss in dealing with diabetes and life.  This is a support group with a rock solid foundation of trust.

My main point about this group is that they came together and created what they needed to work for them.  Many may not believe it is ‘okay’ to have a mens only and invite only group; and surely you are entitled to your opinion.   But as I read over some of their subjects that are discussed, I was moved deeply as these men truly pour their hearts out to each other when it comes to the way they deal with diabetes in their household.

This is not a “man vs. woman thing”, rather this is a place where opinions on everything are on the table; for discussion, for help.  Many professionals will tell you that one of the most important issues in dealing with anything is communication.  Sometimes that self-searching begins with discussions with those you trust and understand because they are dealing with the same ‘life’ as you are and may have achieved better results.

However this all works, it works for this group of dads and it works extremely well.  The specifics will remain with them and their actual location will remain theirs.  Another major point is that whatever is needed to deal with diabetes, it takes a lot of work to make it happen.  In the lives of these dads, diabetes was just not acceptable and they needed a place to learn from each other…..and they created such a place……and THAT is a really good thing.  Perhaps we all can learn that something important, something needed, should be sought until found.  These men surely did.

Take a bow dads, I envy your fellowship and you are diabetesdad’s TGIF.

I am a diabtesdad.

One reply on “T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)…….these dads are serious.”

i am a dad and have have a son of ten years old with diabetesT1 so guess i qualify lol and tbh wouldn’t have met a or been in touch with a couple of dads are as nuts as me in humour and despite all stiil try us best to have a laugh and be young again haha yeah right but we all share a common that is T1 🙂

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