
When it Comes to Diabetes…… Your School Prepared?

It is unfortunate that so much is happening these days and even the safe haven of a school can be at risk for danger.  Although the tragedy in Newtown, CT is so rare an occurrence; what is becoming more and more common place is “The School Lockdown”.

Lockdowns are being instituted if there is the smallest chance that surrounding events could impact the closest schools, as well they should be.  As parents of children with diabetes, this is important to know.

Now my goal here is not to send up a huge alarm but here is something to remember.

I remember when we went for our 504 plan in our local school.  At the original meeting we were given a sheet with bullet points of what the 504 plan would be……I responded with a more extensive plan and I began with this statement; “The 504 plan is not merely the ‘obvious’ or ‘the common sense’ factors that occur in my child’s day—it is also, and sometimes more importantly, for the not-so-common.”

Along with the school officials we looked at emergency situations and I suggest you do also.  The amount of time of a lockdown, the location of a fire drill, how much time passes with insulin shots, boluses, food intake etc etc.  If a child is on injections and injection is given (or a bolus administered) and an immediate alarm occurs, who is making sure that food intake occurs?  You get the idea.

I’m not going to list all of the particulars and we all know that considerations may differ with each individual.  This, unfortunately, is not something one would think we would ever have to address but it is the world we live in and I leave it your discretion on how to accomplish the steps needed.

As always, discuss openly and act on it once you have a plan in place.  If this post helps but one person, it was worth the time and effort.

I am a diabetes dad.

5 replies on “When it Comes to Diabetes…… Your School Prepared?”

Had this very conversation with my daughter yesterday as she hoped the practice lock-down drills this week don’t occur during lunch. ‘But if they do?’ I asked… ‘I guess I have to eat my lunch on the floor of the cafeteria closet.’ Yes. And yuck.

I realize this is an old article but this is a VERY important thing to think about. At my school I was in gym class the last period of the day and we had just finished running the mile and playing some basketball(so naturally I was already running close to low). We were all getting dressed in the locker room, with two minutes left of school, when our principal called a lockdown due to a shooter not even a mile away from the school. We had to sit on the locker room floor silent for about 30 minutes. The stress of the situation mixed with the physical activity caused a REALLY bad low. I suspended my pump and ate all of the stuff I had on me but was still running at about 50 and dropping. It was one of the scariest days of school ever. Luckily I was able to text my mom and she was able to meet me right out side the school with a ton of snacks after they let us go. But what would have happened if I would have been stuck there for any longer? I now carry a glucagon with me ALWAYS not just incase I pass out but in case of an emergency like this where a small dose of it could keep me going.

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