

Well I guess if everything goes according to the Mayan Calendar, this will be my last blog for the world as we know it, will end tomorrow.

I want to thank the so many of you that have meant very much to me.  I have enjoyed our time together and I find it extremely interesting how so many people have come into my life. I have truly and meaningfully been blessed.

I spend a good deal of my time discussing diabetes as……well……um…..having two children with the disease has made diabetes my life.

No one, given the choice, would ever CHOOSE to live in this community, and those that do not have it in their lives would never understand.  I would have much rather continued in my acting career and stayed only in touch with friends from high school, college, and those I met in the acting world.  I really would have rather done just that.  But fate took an ugly turn in our lives, and then did it again.

Everyone has something they deal with, none of us are unique in that aspect.  That’s ‘life’.  Or as of tomorrow’s prediction; that’s ‘no more life’.

But should the predictions be a bit off the mark; I will be back at working the diabetes community to shake a few trees to help us fund the research so needed to find a cure for diabetes and to help in any way I can.  I will encourage more people to just “don’t do nothing’.

Should we all be here on Saturday, will you continue/join this effort with me and so many more?  If we are still here on Saturday and you want to do something, give me a call; I can give you a few ideas.

If we all are not here on Saturday……I love you all.  Someone needs to say that, and I really mean it.  You all are a thread in the fabric of my heart… fact you are the core of my heart…….I would take that to wherever I may be on Saturday; that I promise.

I am a diabetesdad.

One reply on “Goodbye.”

Well said. I too, don’t particularly like the path we had to take in order to meet each other, but since that’s the curve ball we were thrown, I’d like to say I’m so glad to know those whom I have met along this path in my life. I especially like your line, Tom, about “the thread in the fabric of my heart”…as I do enjoy and love sewing and makes reference to this circle of friends I now have. I love you all and don’t know where I’d be without you and your support. We’re forever woven together 🙂

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