
A Rose is a Rose is a Rose…..Right? Nope.

roseA rose is just a rose is the saying.  Another is a rose by any other name is still a rose.  But what if the cost of just one rose could make a difference in a child’s life.  What if instead of giving 12 roses to your loved one this year you only gave eleven.

And the twelfth one went to save a life.

Now that’s a sweet-smelling bouquet, yes?

For this Valentines’ Day, some great folks have joined forces with J&J and have come up with the idea; Spare a Rose, Save a Child.  Let me tell you that there is no sweeter smelling flower than the one that helps someone else;  or the one that is given in absolute joy; rarely have the two been together as one.  Now they are.

The Link will take you to the IDF’s Life for a Child donation page; there you can give the cost of one rose to help a child in need.  The IDF site states:

Just $1 a day provides a child with:

  • regular insulin
  • quality blood glucose monitoring equipment (meter, strips, lancets)
  • essential clinical care
  • up-to-date diabetes education materials
  • specialised diabetes training for medical staff 

The scope of what needs to be done is vast.  Diabetes management is complex. While the first step is getting access to insulin, it needs to be followed up with education on managing diabetes, extending sustained care and also improving the quality of care. This takes both time and ongoing resources, so donations such as yours are crucial to the success and longevity of the Life for a Child Programme. Thank you for your contribution.

I leave it to you on how much you would pay for a rose; but I assure that the gift of roses you present this year will smell that much sweeter because one rose went to save a child’s life.

Make a donation today.  Click here. Even a $1.00 will help—-imagine.

I am a diabetes dad.

6 replies on “A Rose is a Rose is a Rose…..Right? Nope.”

What a great idea! I can be just as happy as looking at photos of Roses. But saving a life or two is a special gift. I hope others will help give a Rose to a child for life! Let’s do this!

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