
I was Asked, I Answer. How About You?

cure definedI was asked by someone recently what a cure looks like to me?

She writes, “Is the cure you visualize one without side effects, complications and risk. Does it restore normal beta cell function in some way? Does it involve an operation? Will they need any other medication? Will the cure last or will they need repeated cures?”

First of all I believe that there are two separate categories.  Treatment.  Cure.  I think the line has been blurred over the years.  I think the line should stay crystal clear.  The reason I believe this point is that the emphasis on one has possibly made people think that ‘this_________ (whatever)’ WILL, absolutely make life so much better for people with diabetes.  Better is good and with some things better is FABULOUS.

But back in the days when insulin was discovered, people began touting what was a cure and what was not.  One could make the case statement that insulin surely keeps people alive so it could be a cure.  When it was discovered, many stated it was a cure.  Today, looking back; is it?

But I was asked what I thought.  I, one million percent, think in the present that management is extremely crucial and ANY AND EVERY tool should constantly be improved upon so those with diabetes have all that is needed.

A cure, to me, will be when the monitoring of diabetes and the worry of diabetes is no longer an issue.   The cells that did work, work again and there are no side effects to that end.  If it is something that has to be done every few years, I would be fine with that BUT, I don’t have diabetes.  I answer as my fears and my woes are satisfied as a parent. 

Over the years I have heard so many with diabetes state that greater management tools is the more logical wish because the touting of a cure has gone on so long and the promise broken so many times.  Many just don’t believe a cure is a realistic view-point.

And that saddens me.

As I stated, I can wish for or believe what I want, but I don’t live with it.  I have taught myself to listen to the voices of those who speak from experience and the research world needs to hear them too.  When those living with diabetes believe that modern advancements in tools for management is the better bet for their dollar on wishes; well it should be a wake-up call to the world-at-large looking for a cure.  People want to be shown, not told.

There is not a person in this world who has diabetes who will not tell you, “Sure I want a cure.”  But those who live with it, are not mice.  Show them what you have, because saying it just does not do it for them anymore. 

This goes for the advancements in management tools also.  Do not ‘string people’ along.  If you’ve got it, share it.  If you do not have it, and know you never will, stop it and spend your resources with those who can get us all to the finish line.

I have seen science that is not shared, not substantial, not really anywhere, and they are fooling so many who want it so desperately. 

When asked why am I hear at the DRI, I answer that today with a Facebook post from the man who heads the institute, Dr. Camillo Ricordi……..and he and his colleagues live by it.  He quoted Bertrand Russell:
Never cease to disagree, to ask questions, to question authority, clichés and dogmas. There is no absolute truth. Do not stop thinking. Be dissident voices. Be the weight that tips the floor. Always be informed, but do not lock yourself into knowledge, because knowledge is also a weapon… 
A man who doesn’t disagree is like a seed that will never grow. 

And if whoever you believe in cannot live up to this…, don’t walk, away.

I am a diabetes dad. 

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

2 replies on “I was Asked, I Answer. How About You?”

The tools that we have today far outweigh the tools that existed only 40 years ago. I remember taking 1 shot a day and having my blood sugar drop at 4 pm meaning an afternoon snack and spending the evening waiting for the next time the bathroom was open. I would be content with ease in treatment and having that treatment affordable to all the diabetics. Currently I am taking 5 shots daily sometimes 6 and checking blood sugars 4 times daily. I also carb. count and exercise. I just wish that a pump was an affordable option for my treatment.

Yes, things have come a long way since I was a child w/T1. But now that I have a CWD, who is 5, and asks me when she’ll be cured. Improvements aren’t enough enough anymore. We need a cure.

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