
Messages on the Way to Washington…..Your Messages.

Capitol hillThe names jumped out at me; Grace, Kylie, Samantha, Callan, Shelby, and so many more.

Stories of kids.  Heartbreaking stories.

There seems to be an ongoing dilemma in the diagnosis of diabetes.  Or should I say ‘missed’ diabetes.  A while ago I asked if people would be willing to share their stories.  Stories of kids who went to the doctor, or hospital, or walk-in clinic, with symptoms that would eventually lead to the road of the ‘new normal’….diabetes. 

But the diagnosis was missed when they first went.

Would you be willing to send a story and picture and I would find people who were going to Washington who would share your story there too.

And the stories kept coming.  Most were from parents willing to share.  One touched my heart because it was from Alyse, she wrote the letter herself, and she is 8.  I thank everyone who took the time to share something so personal.

I want everyone to know that there are carriers of the stories. People going to Washington, and who knew others going to Washington, also contacted me and stated they would be willing to carry these stories to be told.  

The stories that need to be told about being misdiagnosed, that for the most part, eventually found their way back to the path of going home with the new normal.

Some, and it is these stories that were the most troublesome, did not. 

Mary Kathryn’s story just broke my heart. You can read her story by clicking the link, it is a rough story to read.  My heart broke.  It was the strength of her mom, Deborah, that weakened my knees.  Her last line, “…….but please feel free to share it in any and every way possible.”
Who would do that?

Who would be out there in this wa?.  Someone who wanted to make a difference?  Someone making sure her pain is never felt by others….ever.   Makes one wonder, after reading something like that, if we are working hard enough.

I was hoping I would have stories and when I had them and shared them I wanted to end my column by saying, “The good news is that these stories will be read in Washington and State Capitols…….”  But in truth, it is not “the good news……anything”.

The stories are horrid.  They will break your heart.

So I will end this way, as discussed, the stories people provided will be taken and delivered to those in the decision process.  We are planning other things also to get the word out but in this month of March, elected officials will listen to these stories.  Let’s hope they really hear them also.

And that’s a start.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

4 replies on “Messages on the Way to Washington…..Your Messages.”

tears,tears,tears this sounds so much like what justin went through but we were very fortunate , I ask why we have been bless to this point is his Journey with T1D as much as I ask why T1D at all, But I also Have to tell myself why not him, us, or anyone for that matter b/c diabetes doesn’t discriminate, My heart goes out to this family and all who lost their battle, Please GOD help us find the CURE NOW

When our first child was diagnosed with type one diabetes on 12/12/96 I never thought I would be taking care of four children with type one diabetes. Our 5th child. Megan was diagnosed with type one on 3/4:2013. I’m still hopeful for a cure. Lately I feel numb and that I am going through the motions. I don’t have the energy to get angry or cry.

5 w/ T1D holy cow I have only 1 so far with T1D knock on wood and I’ve heard of so many w/ 2 and sometime their husband but never never 5,, the things u must know about T1d blows my mind anyway ,,,my prayers are with you

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