
The Greatest Advancement Ever……….?????? Need Your Input.

TV vintageWhich is greater; the idea of listening to radio and advancing to seeing someone live on a box called a television; or the fact that TV can now be picked up on a device that sits in your hands?

You might want to explain to your kids what the picture is at the onset of today’s article (that in itself is a tad scary).

I am sure inventors from that the ‘golden years’ of invention never in their right minds thought we would be where we are today.  But are today’s newest devices greater now than the initial beginnings years ago.

Is it a better advancement that in the very near future you will be able to pay a few hundred thousand dollars to feel weightlessness in space or was it going to the moon, or even that first trip into outer space, that gets the Greatest Advancement Prize.

Now let’s bring all this conversation into our smaller world of diabetes.  Let’s not discuss what is, or could be, coming as in the artificial pancreas or the DRI BioHub; let’s discuss what is here in the now.

What do you think is the single most important advancement in the world of T1 diabetes outside of the discovery of insulin (including this would make the answer too easy). 

And let’s seek/hear two answers.  The first is the biggest advancement in the management of diabetes; the second is the biggest advancement in the world of research?

And more importantly tell us why?  Try to think larger than in your own life but in the world of diabetes; please share your answers here.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on “The Greatest Advancement Ever……….?????? Need Your Input.”

Insulin pens/pumps. My father still has his kit with the glass syringe and needle, he would have to sterilize everyday(back then you only injected once a day. He still does as he is very old fashioned). I can’t even imagine trying to manage my son’s and my injections if I had to sterilize everything x2 multiple times a day. There are all kinds of fancy meters/ moniters out there now but those are a luxury and not everyone needs/uses them to treat thier diabetes. The pumps/pens/disposable syringes are necessary to deliver your insulin. Research wise I would choose the testing that looks for diabetes antibodies before you/your child is ever diagnosed. I had this test done so it wasn’t all that shocking when I was diagnosed. Even if you can’t prevent your child from getting diabetes I always feel knowledge is power and being prepared is better than being blindsided…

The advancement of testing, as a nurses aide 30 years ago I remember testing urine and it wasn’t very accurate. Research…the differences between type 1 & type 2.

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