
Limited Only By Imagination……..Our Kids!!!!!!

CWD1334I love sunrises and sunsets.   While I was attending Hofstra University, I would sit atop the tall dorms and watch the eastern and western skies.  It was so relaxing for me.

The sunrises.  Oh my oh my I have stated on so many occasions that no one makes more mistakes than I do in this thing called diabetes.  It is not a phrase of rhetoric, it is a fact.  I try not having to learn things more than once, but not always successfully.  The cool thing about sunrises; it’s a new day. 

I have always lived by the point that a new day means new opportunities.  Both my job (working at the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation), and where I volunteer (CWD, writings, advocacy, etc), allows me the absolute incredible opportunity of something new happening every day.  A new initiative, meeting new people, discussing ideas with people who want to help, and people with ‘skin in the game’ just like us. 

The Monday mistakes turn into Tuesday’s new beginnings.

I hear from teenagers with diabetes so often how different they feel.  How they are told that things cannot be accomplished because of their diabetes. I’m told the same by many parents who also fear that heir kids cannot do as others.  I tell them that it is a lie.  The world is for them to grab and they must make the decision to go out there and get it. 

CWD1346I received two pictures recently.  The hockey player is Sarah who is 15 and diagnosed at age 11; the other is Kelly who is also 15 and diagnosed at age 3. The two photos are absolutely incredible. I LOVE Sarah’s determination ‘along the boards’ and I LOVE Kelly’s face of determination.  Karate and playing hockey for goodness sakes.  Do either of them look like they are not ‘able’ to do anything?

And they can.  All of our kids can.  And many do.

Their parents sent me their pictures which I used in my slide presentation at my CWD Keynote address along with over 50 other kids who have diabetes and are not afraid, and they shouldn’t be.  They inspire us all each and every day that as sure as the sun rises, they are ready to take on the world.  Numerous parents thanked me for the inspiration they needed to see in other kids to remind them that limits are in our minds only.  But of course the thank you goes to the parents who shared the incredible photos of their wonderful kids.

The sunsets.  A glass of wine, perhaps, and just looking at the sun setting in the west is always relaxing to me.  Long Island has beautiful sunsets and as the day ends it serves as a reminder of what the day held.  What went well, what didn’t; and what to change tomorrow to move on.

Moving on is another crucial aspect to dealing with diabetes.  When we think, “….duh!, why did I do that?…..what was I thinking?…….”  Of course those who do not have diabetes in their household can also have these revelations but when there is so much on our plates, and so much more to balance when it comes to diabetes, I’m always grateful for daily beginnings and endings to continue onward.

Like sunrises and sunsets.


I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


5 replies on “Limited Only By Imagination……..Our Kids!!!!!!”

Tom, thank you for bringing this to my attention…I shared this on my page and added:

Makes you think…you are your only limitation.

Shelby has overcome so much more than I could ever imagine; far more than I by this age. I was my own limitation.
I did try to instill in her a sense of motivation and drive, responsibility, community service, empathy, strength, honesty, trust…but diabetes has done far more than I in instilling all the values she has and she holds true to herself.
Shelby, you are my inspiration and my hero!

While some of the other diabetes community was at FFL, we were in Orlando at the same time for a national dance competition. I wasn’t sure we could make everything work out, with dance lessons, and competitions throughout the year, but they made it to nationals. They didn’t win, but they did their best and had a great time. We are lucky to have such a supportive dance studio, that has been a big help in helping out with managing her diabetes. By the way, my T1 daughter is 9, and we about a month from her 5 year diaversary.

In response to Emily, whose daughter is a dancer:

I saw the recent post in response to your comment about being in Orlando for Nationals. Your daughter is beautiful! 🙂 My 11-year-old was diagnosed last summer and she’s also a dancer. She dances about 13 hours a week – and even more during competition season. I continue to be amazed at how she manages the long days of rehearsals and/or competitions. We’ve only had one issue… which was my worst fear. She got low (47) about 10 minutes before taking the stage. They had to skip her group, it interrupted the competition, and caused quite a scene. She was embarrassed, but we treated it and she was able to perform a while later. I was just thankful it didn’t happen while she was actually on stage. (Now that I think about it, THAT is my worst fear!)

If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from? I’d love for my daughter to meet a fellow T1 dancer. She feels pretty singled out a lot of time!

Continued good luck to her and her studio!

My son, Alex , won the World championship in Pro Junior Dragster Racing last year. He was dx with T 1 when he was 9 . He is now 19. He has never let his diabetes define him.

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