Aaron has diabetes and is six years old. Over the weekend Aaron was at a birthday party and some kids said some things that were not nice about Aaron’s insulin pump (REALLY not nice, his mom stated he was really bullied by this small group of others). I’m sure Aaron must have felt a little lonely by these words but Aaron being Aaron, did not let kids who picked on him or who made fun of him get in his way.
It is no surprise that Aaron’s hero is Kyle Cochran, a fellow person with type 1 and a Ninja Warrior Competitor on TV; toughness comes in all sizes. And Aaron’s strength could match up to even Kyle’s in this instance. He handled it with grace and style and I’m sure it was words that must have hurt him, even though he may not have shown it.
My hero of the day loves ocean animals especially; and also helps out on his family farm where he has many farm animals that need tending. Anything octopus or dinosaur, Aaron will collect it. So today, in honor of Aaron, post a picture on your FB page of an octopus or a dinosaur and just write as a caption; For Aaron, a TRUE HERO. Aaron’s mom, Jerra, is on FB and she will copy and give the pictures to Aaron.
Aaron is a wonderful big brother and a young man who has a lot of responsibility helping mom take care of his little sister and he loves her very much. His day is full either tending to the farm; or picking blue berries; or even protecting his little sister; and although he is an easy-going young man who also deals with his diabetes, there is just no room in this world for other kids to say anything mean about him.
So let’s show Aaron.
So TODAY is AARON DAY; the super hero for diabetes dad today and I am asking everyone to post a picture of a dinosaur or a octupus (his favorites) with the caption; For Aaron, a TRUE Hero. Also reply here what YOU THINK of Aaron so he can read what a special young man he REALLY is.
There is no room for bullying a six-year-old and Aaron’s mom shared with me that it surely bothered her more than Aaron showed. She said they were really pretty mean about it. So let’s show Aaron how much we love him and care about him, a TRUE HERO.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.
27 replies on “NEWSBREAK: Bullying Just WILL NOT Do…..DOC: Join Me In Showing Aaron He is a Hero”
Aaron, you truly are a hero!!
Aaron – you are a true hero & inspiration for all kid-os with diabetes. Sounds like you handled those bullies like a champ! Way to go! I posted a photo of an octopus on my facebook page for you today! Rock on!
Thank you Robin. I love the photo and think Aaron will too.
You are one brave young man and a inspiration to all that there just may be hope against this HORIBBLE, unexcused, plague, which is bullying. Will be posting a pick in honor of you.
Aaron’s momma, Jerra, is a wonderful person reflected in her children’s character. Unfortunate situation – Aaron will find friends with better character that were raised well along the way.
Thank you every one for your kind words! My son is very thankful for all those who do except him as he is 🙂 Thank you every one again!
Thank YOU for sharing the story of one incredible young man.
Aaron you are awesome! It breaks my heart to think that little kids were so mean. It also makes me truly appreciate all my son’s friends who care about him and look out for him. May Aaron find his true friends in light of this experience:)
Thanks for writing Kim—many ar eletting him know as you have—thanks.
Aaron, you rule! You are without a doubt a man of character and inspiration, and a TRUE HERO. Thanks for being who you are. I’ve posted a photo onto my FB page, as well.
Aaron dont let what anyone say bother you. just remember you are definitely not alone there are many many people with pumps.
I would love to be able to connect to his mom so that he can see pics of my boy who wears a pump. One of my favorite pics of my son was taken at a championship game for football where we had to hook him up to the pump to give him a little boost before the game, and after that, a picture of him holding the championship trophy. My boy was diagnosed a little older than Aaron and just started high school. Diabetes has not stopped him from being a 3 sport athlete and all around well liked kid. He’s great with younger kids and I’m sure would love to send him messages too.
I will forward your email to her….thanks for the offer. Just Fabulous.
You rock Aaron! Grace under pressure is a wonderful trait. I’m going to tell my girl about you for when she faces the same.
Thanks Mary—our kids are just awesome!
Happy Aaron day! You are awesome!
You Rock Aaron!
He sure does Julie—Thanks for writing.
You rock Aaron definitely an inspiration to other fellow diabetics! I’m 20 years old now and have the insulin pump too so I know how it feels. When I was your age I remember kids saying rude things to me too because none of them understood it. It takes a very strong kid to be 6 years old and be able to take care of your self and live with diabetes so keep it up you inspire people like me!!!!!
Aaron, you are awesome! To be so young, you are so mature. My son Scot, is 20 now, he was 5 when he was diagnosed with diabetes, so I really know what your going through. He’s been through a lot of the same things. Keep your head up high. Just remember, you are a hero, and an inspiration to other young people and even older ones!!
I want to say thank you again to everyone! We are very blessed to have the diabetic community on our side and thank you all for showing Aaron how much every one cares 🙂
Aaron is my grandson and my Hero. He is a kind, loving child. Aaron you Rock!!!!!!!!! And I love you to the moon and back. Your a strong boy, and am very proud of you.
Aaron, you truly are a hero! I read my 7 year old your story and he says that you are brave and look like a boy who would be his friend! He is bullied too. Good for you for not letting them get to you! You will go so far in this world and make a difference!! You make me smile!!
Please show his mom this-
He is a real hero!
Aaron you rock. Such a strong young man, bless you.
Hi Aaron, you’re the man, a true HERO to so many people, even ones u don’t know, like me! I’m a pumper, too, and I’ve learned a lot from u please remember that I’m here for u and I’ve got your back.
Aaron, wanted you to know how very proud I am for how you handled the bullies! Takes courage! And kids with diabetes have the biggest courage I know! My daughter is 16, with type 1 diabetes, and she has a lot of courage like you. She wears an insulin pump like you! She will be your friend too! Helps to have a big D buddy to discuss life with! You Rock Aaron and I think you are a Hero! Enjoy the pictures!