
“It’s My Son”. Last Nite.

Police carsSaturday (tomorrow) was to be special.  I guess, it still will be.

I took two vacation days to arrange finishing touches for Rob’s High School graduation party to take place this weekend.  Much activity as we planned for those who will be attending.  Many of Rob’s friends and other family members and neighborhood friends in a day of celebration.  We love to host these and this is a VERY SPECIAL day. I was outside working on the lights when Jill came outside.

“Tom, you need to come in.”

“Everything alright?”  I said it with that half I-know-everything-is-okay-but-am-asking-anyway.

“No.  Rob was in a car accident.”

I got the location where he called from; at least he called so I knew he was alive.  Jill got in my car and Kaitlyn was grabbing her keys.  I said to Jill, you better ride with Kaitlyn.  Jill knew not to ask any questions and she went to Kaitlyn’s car.

My tone reflected that I was going to get there in a speed that she probably would not want to be in the car with me.  Great thing about training in theatre, stunt driving came with some of my training.  I have relied on that training before and I was about to do it again. 

I did not say it was smart, I just said I was going to use it. 

You can stick knives in me, but if my family member is hurt, NOTHING will get in my way. Period.

As I pulled up to the scene there were police cars everywhere.  The streets were closed off.  Rob’s car was a wreck.  The other car was smashed also.  The police raised his hand stopping from getting any closer.

“It’s my son.”  He allowed me through.

I went over to Rob and he was wavering, I told him to lean on the car. 

He sat down on the passenger side. 

Kaitlyn pulled up right after me.  I told Kaitlyn what I observed.  Two things in our favor;  Kaitlyn is a very good EMT and she also has diabetes.  I knew she was better to deal with Rob, and she went right over.  I intercepted Jill.

“Look, he is banged up pretty bad.  He has chest pains and his leg is in a lot of pain.  DO not look at the car; just go to him.”

Kaitlyn was already down on one knee going over everything with him.  She stepped aside as the Emergency Response pulled up from TJ’s fire Department.  I knew Rob was in good hands.  They placed Rob on a board and placed a collar on his neck to immobilize him.  Within seconds he was on his way to Stony Brook Hospital, with his mother by his side in the ambulance.

TJ works at the hospital and he had already called ahead.  They would be waiting for him.

I stayed with Kaitlyn, we cleared his stuff out of his car.  It’s just metal.  I really did not care about it; but I am sure it is the last time he would see the car.

A very nice couple stayed at the scene and gave a report as witnesses.  The other driver made an illegal left hand turn out of a parking lot attempting to go through 3 lanes of traffic and crossing a cross hatched yellow divider.  They told us Rob had no chance to avoid it, none.

At the hospital was our family.  Rob was there, TJ was there and Joelle and already come and gone, Kaitlyn, her boyfriend Andre; and us.  All of us.  Family. When needed most.  I was emotionally hurting but proud of how TJ reached out to who he needed to; Kaitlyn was tending to her brother before the other EMT’s arrived; and everyone, although deeply concerned, operated like clock-work in getting everything done.  As a father, I was deeply moved.  As a father, I was still in shock seeing my son in so much pain and so much twisted metal.  How anyone was not more seriously hurt, is beyond me.

After six hours at the hospital; keeping a close watch on Rob’s diabetes, and a diagnosis of severe muscle trauma/strain; we were on our way home.  Rob will, hopefully, sleep most of today.  I finally got to bed at 3:30 am.  A long night.

As we were having coffee this morning, Jill sighed and whispered; “Enough is Enough”.

It should be shouldn’t it?

I had just written that we are always tested.  “Diabetes does not care.” I recently wrote; well neither does life.  Rob is banged up but okay and that is what matters.  It could have been worse. 

But still, it’s not fair, you know.  It’s just not fair.

“Enough is Enough”.

I am a diabetes dad.

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22 replies on ““It’s My Son”. Last Nite.”

How awful. I’m so glad Rob is going to be okay. I know you are grateful that he is alive but you are all traumatized. Not everyone is lucky. I remember some years ago a family was giving away their teenage son’s insulin pump because their beloved diabetic son had a freak accident wherein a tree fell on him and ended his short life. We should all hug our kids today.

Oh Tom, huge hugs to you and your family from across the pond. Glad it isn’t too serious but oh my word……xxx

Completely understand the sentiment. Enjoy the day tomorrow for it is still a celebration, there is just one more thing to celebrate.

I am so sorry to hear of the accident. But I am so very thankful that he is OK and that all of your family pulled together and kept each other strong in such a trying time. I am wrapping Rob and all of you in virtual hugs and praying for his speedy recovery.

Thank God everyone’s OK, and that you have such a wonderful support system. And, yes, tomorrow will still be special. Even more so, because you’ll all be together, and so, so thankful.

Tom, It could of been so much worst. We are praying for a speedy recovery for your son. Tomorrow will be special as you count your blessings together. (((Hugs)))

I am very proud of both your children. Rob , for having control and taking control. Kaitlyn, for seeing what her brother was in need of and making sure it was received. Diabetes was just like everybody else it was there but had to watch. You have a very loving family and you need to a proud diabetic dad.

Horrendous! So glad he is ok! Praying for him for a swift recovery and for all of you recovering from the trauma xx

Tom, I am so very sorry you had to experience that. A child in a car accident is never something I want to go through. I’m so glad your son is recovering well. You’re right – enough already

Last year, I complimented Tom and Jill on the great job they did in raising their 3 wonderful children. I am saying a prayer of thanks that Rob is okay and wishing him a swift recovery. My love and thoughts are with you all.

Thank you my dear friend….he is resting and sleeping a lot today. He is up to telling jokes today……so we are looking good. He is just very very sore. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Oh, so sorry. I’ll keep him in my prayers for a full recovery. Glad it wasn’t more serious. When our kids get hurt, it’s horrible and the diabetes is always an added worry. I remember watching TV and seeing Jake down on the football field (when he played for Univ. WI), and freaking out…did he crash, get hurt. It was muscle spasms…but still we always worry. Hope Rob is better.

Thank God for family and siblings and the way everyone pulls together. While nobody in this story had any influence in this accident happening (other than the other driver making an illegal left across traffic), I know that every single name you typed will contribute in some way to his healing. I’m so sorry that this happened, but glad to see that the recovery is in sight.

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