
Child Diagnosed at Death; Thought it was the Flu….Now Let’s do Something about it….Need YOUR Help!!!!

Let's GoI need your help.

I am in discussions with someone who might help educate Family Physicians (Pediatricians would be next) on a fairly large-scale to administer a protocol for (at least) a urine sample when symptoms in any shape or form resemble a possible T1 diabetes diagnosis (whether it be flu, sever back aches etc etc).  At the very least it could/might be an education campaign; our discussions are in the very early stages but my contact is very interested in helping,

What I need from you.

I am trying to collect every media story I can for any child diagnosed with T1 diabetes upon their death.

Please send to and in the subject line please write, “Media”.  Do not assume that it was so popular that I probably received already.  I need to create a case for the person I’m speaking to and I could use your help.  Do not send any stories/links prior to January 1, 2008.

Let;s start to change this once and for all.  No child should die upon diagnosis right after seeing their family doctor.  No Child.

Thank you.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

4 replies on “Child Diagnosed at Death; Thought it was the Flu….Now Let’s do Something about it….Need YOUR Help!!!!”

Tom – If possible I think stories of a child almost being diagnosed in death are also valuable. I know they aren’t media worthy but I have pictures of what she looked like, the documented weight loss etc. I believe they would be great educational tools as well. I Maeve to the pediatrician 7 (6 times to regular ped and 1 time to urgent care) times in 22 days. They told me when I got her to the hospital she had less than 12 hours to live. A simple urine dip at any one of those visits could have prevented her diagnosis in crisis.

Wow, Tom. I hope you have a strong stomach — either that, or the noble purpose for which you’re doing this is strong enough to keep you going. If I asked for these types of stories (and received them!) I’d have to stop reading at one or two… just too depressing.

To say I did not cry at some of the ones I read, would be a lie. I am keenly aware that THIS MAY (MAY) do some good in the long run or I would have never begun the initiative. We’ll see. But you are correct, the impact as I read was overwhelming.

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