
A Reminder How Fortunate We are that Our Children are living with Diabetes

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere are so many roads that I  have traveled in this diabetes journey.  As I reach various milestones in my life I always try to take the time, even for just a moment, to reflect about those who are not so fortunate. 

The reason I bring this up is because sometimes we feel the need to grip about things.  When I start to do that I just imagine some people reading or hearing such gripes and saying, “really?”  “I mean REALLY?”

The fact that one of my kids complained about me being too much like the diabetes police.
How many have lost a child that would love to hear those words of griping once again.

The fact that an event takes place and I get pissy because my kids may be a bit high or low and need to be treated at a particular moment.
How many events have I had in my life that so many would just want the opportunity to get angry at those moments as I do; but they cannot because that battle is lost.

The fact that I’m moaning because I’m tired because I was up all night, or even up once to check a blood sugar.
How many who have lost a child still get up in the middle of the night only to realize there is no need.

The point is simple; we will always complain and feel the pain of living with diabetes every day but we should always and in all ways remember this important crucial fact; our children are LIVING with diabetes.

Always remember that others are not so fortunate. 

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

9 replies on “A Reminder How Fortunate We are that Our Children are living with Diabetes”

that just about hits the nail on the head, when my child was diagnosed with diabetes type 1 aged 7, 7 years ago. Whilst on the ward we were talking to other parents whose child was ill but they were unsure of the diagnosis awaiting results.. The child had a rare form of leukemia, not much hope back then. It stopped me in my tracks and i was grateful dare i say it for the diagnosis we had for my child..
Abroad diabetes type 1 is still a death sentence due to lack of medications etc, at least we have all the medications and expert dsn’s etc to help us with the management of our children… some familes are not so fortunate..

Wow, Tom. Your blog today hit a new low and has really pissed me off. You are saying that our gripes aren’t valid because our kids aren’t dead?! You have a lot of nerve to tell us what we should feel and how to express those feelings to those around us! Sometimes lack of sleep is a really big deal. Sometimes that moment when our kids need extra help at an inconvenient time is the last straw that day. Sometimes spending hours on the phone with your child’s insurance company trying to get them to pay is the thing that raises the blood pressure, sends you to cry in the bathroom and wish, just for an instant, that you had a different life that didn’t include diabetes. But hey, as long as our kid isn’t dead those feelings don’t matter and shouldn’t be shared with anyone. Maybe what YOU should do is address the specific poster or friend that spawned this passive-aggressive blog today and tell THEM exactly how you feel privately instead of telling hundreds of parents that our complaints aren’t worthy of hearing because our kids aren’t dead. I don’t care how famous you are, how much money you’ve raised, how many kids with diabetes you have or where you work – your post today was mean and I’m calling you out.

NEVER did I say the feelings did not matter that we feel every day. That is how you read it. Never did I say that as long as our kid isn’t dead those feelings do not matter……that is how you read it.

I did not say or imply that our gripes are not valid.

The point was just a reminder that although there is a lot we must put up with, we STILL have our kids.

You read this completely wrong than intended. Period.

I definitely have my moments. My attempt to perform the functions of another human being’s pancreas falls short of the real thing almost daily. This is incredibly frustrating! There are no vacations and barely any sleep. At the end of the day I am grateful that my family has excellent health insurance and the financial resources to offer my child the best technologies available. I also have my husband to back me up. I sincerely wish that all of those in our T1 community (adults pwd and families) would recognize that not everyone with T1 can be measured the same. Insulin is a hormone and everyone’s body has different needs. Some have other conditions that complicate. Some are very young and cannot communicate any needs. Some have little financial resources. Some have NO health insurance. Some have horrible health insurance. Some are single parents trying to manage their kids diabetes alone. When I reflect on how grateful I am I think about all of those struggling in my very own country dealing with the variables above and I wish more for them. I advocate. I don’t judge. I offer support. I try to understand. I pray for a cure every day.

We all have our moments; and clearly we are entitled to having those moments. The understanding of the diabetes universe we live in is the exact reason that many DO recognize that measurements can not be the same and that, I believe, so many do so much to help. Yet, others do not get what they need when they need it and it is that realiation that more needs to get done that drives many to ‘try’ to do more.

Thank you for your insightful thoughts.

When I read your post yesterday, I couldn’t help to think how right you are. It is devastating to learn that your child has an incurable disease. My 7 year old son was DX in June 2012. I was so scared and so very sad. As I learned more, I realized how lucky I am. Taking care of a Type 1 Diabetic is hard, but who am I to complain? I am lucky that I can check him in the night, I am lucky to smell insulin, I am lucky to cry in the bathroom because I can’t stand that this disease is ravaging my son’s little body! I am lucky to spend the hours on the phone with insurance companies, doctors, caregivers…I am so lucky. Things could be so much worse. We play the hand that life has given us, and we do the best we can.
I am shocked to read the post from JC. I have a friend that lost her son to Type 1 Diabetes. She would most likely trade anything in this world to do any of these things again! Shame on your callous and negative attitude. I get what your saying Tom, and thank you for the reminding me how LUCKY I am.

Thanks Wendy I appreciate your kind words. Many people wrote to tell me how true yeatserday’s article rang with them and it was my hope just to remind us, yes—diabetes sucks; but HAVING our kids around—–I’ll take that always and so would everyone agree.

When my son was diagnosed, the 4 year old girl next door but one was recovering from bone cancer. Lets say it gave me pause for thought (as did your post above) and gave me perspective during a very hard time. Every time my son was a bit “off” or poorly, I wondered whether it was D or just him being a little boy. Chatting to the little girl’s mum, she said exactly the same except in her case she was wondering if it was cancer. I know which I would prefer. You did a good thought-provoking post, Tom!

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