

Take action nowI just received this urgent message from fellow diabetes advocate, Bennet Dunlap:
Oregon is proposing a policy that risks the long-term health of people with type 2 diabetes. They would severely restrict Medicaid-funded strips. This jeopardizes the health of Oregon PWDs and sets a dangerous precedent for other states.

From the site petition by DiaTribe

At a recent meeting of Oregon’s Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC), the state panel recommended reducing access to test strips for people with type 2 diabetes on the Medicaid-funded Oregon Health Plan (OHP). A new plan would severely restrict access to strips for type 2 patients unless they are newly diagnosed, take insulin, or meet a few other special requirements. For people not taking insulin – which covers the vast majority, about 70% of all type 2 patients – those with an A1c above 8.0% would be entitled to one test strip per week, while those with an A1c below 8.0% would not be provided with any test strips at all. 

Read what a real problem it is and sign the petition AND WE NEED TO DO IT TODAY AS THE DECISION IS SCHEDULED IN 2 DAYS —CLICK HERE.

This is such a dangerous and real problem…..and IN MY OPINION do not think that they will not be looking at checking/testing blood glucose numbers for T1 in the future.  The precedent this sets should scare the daylights out of you. 

PLEASE share this with everyone you know in thE diabetes world and click here to sign the petition and read more.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



12 replies on “NEWSBREAK: YOUR IMPORTANT IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED TODAY– Reduce Testing of PWDs T2–Would T1 be Next????”


About 4 or 5 years ago, the State of Washington proposed one test strip a day for children. Just one. This is the the kind of short-sighted “cost savings” that leads to much higher costs later in the form of complications and quality of life. It’s simply ridiculous and unless we all stand up and say ‘No’ over and over again, this type of thing will continue.

Why do you think this would soon turn to T1? It seems to me that the rationale behind this is to encourage T2s to make healthy lifestyle changes. The exceptions tothe limit support this, don’t you think? Unlike a T2 who doesn’t take insulin, a T1 can eat right and exercise daily but the diabetes will not go away.

I’m just a bit more curious to hear your thoughts. I’ve been a T1 for 23 years, diagnosed at age 4.

I did not say that it would….but should this go ‘into being’ what is to say that there will not be an edict that T1s should check/test their bood X amount of times per day. As it is, they are saying that a type 2; not on insulin would be fine to test/check once a week. If a board can honestly think that is correct, then I am fearful of the unknown that they could say down the line. I did not say ‘soon’ I said it is a bad precedent. Type 2, insulin or not—to go once a week testing/checking blood sugar is NOT RIGHT and I do not care how one looks at it. It DOES NOT MAKE sense.

I guess we disagree. I think there is an incredibly important distinction between T1 and T2, which is that T1 is an incurable disease that will not go away. (Not trying to undermine T2, but it really is not the same level of severity as T1.) Plus, they aren’t saying T2s CAN’T check their sugars more; it just won’t be free/covered. Regardless, this will be an interesting development to watch, and I hope you are successful with your petition.

What you state is not exactly how I feel and we are more in sync than you are understanding me. Of course there is an important distinction between T1 and T2 and no one is saying otherwise. Mine is but a simple question needing answered….does one feel it is okay/optimum for a person with T2 diabetes to test their blood sugar only once a week?

Not optimum, but I think it’s ok. If there were no exceptions (insulin, A1C, newly diagnosed), then I’d find it more problematic. But for someone who is a T2, likely because of a not good lifestyle, I am all for incentivizing more active and healthy lifestyles. I think providing only one free test strip a week would do this. That person will either have to lead a healthier lifestyle or be willing to pay for more test strips. If he/she still only tests once a week and the blood sugars go up, then so will the A1C and they’ll qualify for the covered strips. Anyway, I think we could go point by point with each other on this one, and I doubt either of us will convince the other. I’m enjoying your blog though; I’m glad I found it.

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