
Voices to be Heard…….This One Will Make You Think!!!!

megaphonePlease read each one of these, I have copied them exactly as written:

“Nobody should have to go into a bathroom to……”

“………you don’t want your kids seeing that because you have the daunting task of explaining…..”

“……She could have taken him to the car……”

“…….find it irritating to read many of these moronic comments……
…….It’s sad and downright pathetic that too many others can’t get it,……”

“…….. Do you see the DIFFERENCE? Don’t just spew out nonsense if you don’t actually know how it works…..”

:……..You know whats awesome about this topic? That none of your ignorant opinions matter…..”

“Lord help the person who says an unkind word to me for……..”

“…….There is no waiting when you have a crying hungry/scared………”

“……..this shouldn’t even be an issue……”

“ I’m so sad reading these ignorant comments. No one as a country we suck when it comes to………”

“What a sad world & pitiful society.”

‘……… and it is your right to cover your face if you can’t deal.”

“She was in her car waiting for police to arrive the article states. Would the officer rather she…….”

“Your insensitivity is exactly what I am talking about (name of person), thank you for demonstrating for me.”

These comments were taken from a FB conversation last night.  Do the comments look familiar?  Diabetes?  No.  They are all regarding breast-feeding in public.  The point is that there are many, many issues in the world; many, many great voices out there; and many, many worthwhile causes.

Here is something everyone can do; go to Get Diabetes Right (click) on FB and place the posters YOU LIKE in the area where you live.  Don’t just do nothing!!!!!

To our government leaders, our friends, the media, the public, and anyone else who we want to hear us.   How loud do you think we need to be; to be heard?  Think about it.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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