
Don’t You Just LOVE All the Graduation Pictures?????

Graduation capsAm I the only one who feels this way? There has been a ton of graduation pictures this year. Everyday, even many times throughout the day, someone else posts a picture or a selfie at a graduation ceremony. For me, I have this little piece in me that has incredible pride when I see these pictures, whether it is my child or not. Graduation is a BIG DEAL and I have always found it to be such an exciting time.

When it’s someone I know, I feel it even more-so. Accomplishment. Future. A ‘newness’. All of that comes rushing back to me just as I watched each of my kids graduate; high school, college, whatever, wherever—it does not matter.  Graduation!

Enjoy the time with your new graduate—-they did it! At the high school level 20% who started, do not obtain a diploma; college rate is just about the 30% mark—–so be proud, many to do not make it.  Enjoy the milestone in their life. There are a whole list of folks who do not achieve what your child achieved; and if they did so while facing challenges and/or adversity——REALLY have fun and enjoy every single second of it.


Have a party, its worth the POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE.

I am a diabetes dad.

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