“It’s been two years since my child was diagnosed and I cry every night, still.”
“My school denied my child having a medical plan…..”
“I am so upset from my last Endo’s meeting. She got mad at us because our A1C went up 1.5.”
“I took my child out of school again. This is the 30th day missed already. I am so upset.”
As I look over the many writings that happen each day; when I see these type of comments I always ask myself the same thing; why?
Either we, and the thousands of people I know, were just very lucky or there is something else here that needs addressing. Heaven knows I’m the last person on earth that anyone needs to justify anything, but I ask this question today for you to ask yourself. For you alone!
When you read so many parents stating how their families deal with diabetes and thrive, why are you not? Again…..you do not owe me, nor anyone else, ANY EXPLANATION. Whatever you are going through, you are going through.
But at some point, when devastation hits, you must choose to get on with life. Death, divorce, diagnosis, or whatever else has impacted your life will always lead to a point where coping must allow you to continue. Taking control (and I am not speaking of blood glucose levels) is a choice we need and must make
As I got dressed today, I stopped and looked at my grandparents wedding picture on a shelf. As I looked at it I could not help but think; they are gone. They had friends like we have, they went on vacation like we do, they had fun like we do, they had problems like we do and with the exception of one child; their immediate family and friends are all gone. They are, but a memory.
Now as you read that, my guess is one of two reactions entered your mind. How depressing or how important life is for every minute. For all intent and purposes, at some point we all go to meet our maker. Do you really think that this life was meant for you to live in despair and depression for the entire time you are here because of your child’s diabetes? Now THAT’S depressing.
The only way to shake yourself of these feelings is to take control. The ONLY WAY YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL is by educating yourself. No one can make you feel a certain way unless YOU LET THEM.
If your child is missing that amount of school….and there are no other additional factors….find out why. Hundreds of thousands of kids went through school and go through without missing 1/4 of the year….ask yourself why?
Others visit their doctor and when told about their A1C, do not just sit there and take that sort of attitude from their doctor it begins a dialogue…..ask yourself why?
Others walk into school and know their child’s rights inside and out when it comes to what covers them through the American Disabilities Act…..ask yourself why?
We all still get upset over what life has given us……but if you are overwhelmed each and every day……still…..ask yourself why?
After you ask yourself why; go out and do something about it. I know so many parents who have lost their child to this disease and still, somehow, find a way to continue. When I feel down, depressed, defeated, or any other short-lived feelings I realize that how much my kids can thrive and grow with this disease. I (me personally) feel that whenever I start to feel sorry for myself (not to mention what my kids WITH diabetes must feel) I nip-it-in-the-bud right away. When I think of so many who lost this battle, I have no right to do anything but fight with all my might each and every day.
Because when so many were NOT given another day to live, and we are so fortunate to wake up and our kids to wake up….well I’m just going to make dang sure that we do everything in our power to control this and make sure we seize every moment we can. I have said it a thousand times, and some still get pissed at me when I say it, but if you do not own diabetes it will surely own you. And THAT is just not acceptable in our house.
Realize what we have, learn about what we don’t know, and take everything we can out of this wonderful life because at some point………we will end up as a mere picture on a shelf. How will YOU decide to take control and live for YOU!!!!!
I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’
9 replies on “Is it About Time You Hit the “Take Control” Button?”
Awesome! Thank-you!
Tom you give us more hope, more strength, and more determination with each and every post. Thank you and God Bless you and your family!
This is fantastic and every single bit of it resonates with me! I am a grandma raising my granddaughter with Type 1. I thank you for your words!
Always love when a grand parent chimes in……thank you so much!!!!!!
I agree with your article but I have a few comments
– We (and the society we live in) have expectations that are too high and schedules that are too full. With this type of life you are guaranteed to disappoint yourself when you should focus on what is important.
– Clearly there is some time for adjustment to have a T1D and it often changes your life path, career and finances. Everything that was a rock solid foundation has now turned to sand, much harder to move on sand.
– Some people can do it all, but not everyone is built the same and for me doing it all has made me a ball of stress. Others may cry. That is their outlet and if you don’t let it out you will end up other issues.
– I think that many parents work so hard at this and when the results disappoint, they feel they have failed. It is unfortunate we put this much pressure on ourselves and ruin our daily lives.
– As I have heard, “don’t sweat the small stuff, its all small stuff.”
I believe the amount one chooses to help themselves is entirely up to them. But many people find themselves in situations because they have not taken the time to educate themselves. They rely too much on what they hear or read. THAT is not good enough for one to have control. My results have never disappointed us….many are looked upon as they should be……they are a gauge to help us move forward. This, and everything we do, is not a comparative to anyone or everyone else. It is our child with diabetes and how we deal with it. We did not and have not allowed outside influence. We have accepted outside education when called upon….letting it out is fine….but when I read that people are at this for 2 years now and they cannot function….to me….that’s a problem. But only they can face it, realize it, and ultimately fix it. We have been there…as Roosevelt said; we cannot do anything about what we are given but WE CAN do something with what we do with it when it arrives. THAT is my simple point.
Thanks for your comments.
You have no idea how much I needed to read this right at this minute. So her pod failed at almost midnight? So what! I heard the alarm and changed it! And now I have an excuse to stay up and read for a couple hours , and I don’t work tomorrow . Thank you, because I was just about ready to go over the edge. The hidden blessings D has brought to us .
Someone once told me that you can walk around and complain about a rainy day—-all day. Or you can rejoice in the flowers being fed…..it’s all in how you look at it. Thanks for writing.