
To My Canadian Friends……….With Love.

Canadian FlagI started writing my article today and I am filled with the horror and sadness of the news from our neighbors to the north.  And I am compelled to relay my feelings.

My heart aches today for Canada.

A soldier, standing at a tomb of unknown soldiers—unarmed—gunned down for the reasons we all now know as meaningless….is something I just cannot get my arms around.  A soldier dies, and a hero comes forward as the Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, ended the day where surely more people would have died.

This is not a day to re-hash arguments about ANYthing.  Today is a day to mourn the loss of a soldier, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, doing his job in an area where he should not have given his life; and the story of a hero putting a stop to a deranged gunman, because it was his duty.

The gunman who, if it is all the same to you–I choose not to mention and give him one additional iota of recognition which he deserves none, was carefully and methodically covered in black with a scarf half covering his face performing the most cowardly act ever—–shooting someone who had no chance whatsoever.

He shot, by all accounts, a good man.  And for this I am so saddened.

Since 9/11, these acts have impacted me completely different.  They are all personal.  One person is too many and 3000 people is a lot of ‘one persons’ too.  As each one is a person with a family, a life, a hope, and a future………no more.

My diabetes world has taken me to Canada a few times and even to their Capitol.  My friends are in Canada.  I’m sure I have photos somewhere of a soldier by that tomb, meaning I have stood on that ground, which will forever be considered more hallowed than it was before.  That unknown tomb will now represent those unknown plus one other who was known and gave his life in honor of those who never will be.

The gunman failed.  He wanted to disrupt government and make people afraid.  I’m sure the government will go on; and life for many will go on without fear.  Perhaps a little more understanding of the fact that differences may occur in a house of Parliament, but at the end of the day they are Canadians; together.  As we have learned once, and were painfully reminded that we, here, are all Americans.   We are all people.

To my many friends across the border who I have been fortunate to meet in our diabetes-pathways, I hurt for you today.  We hurt for you today.  Your pride and your resilience will get you through this—-you have a beautiful country with beautiful people.

As former President Bill Clinton once stated; In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.

Nothing should ever take that away from you——and we may have very well learned on a day when someone thought they could—that no one ever will.

God Bless and keep all of you.

I am a diabetes dad.

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4 replies on “To My Canadian Friends……….With Love.”

Thank you, Tom.

It was a horrifying day. I was so proud that our government resumed services and parliament today. Kevin Vickers got a standing ovation and he was in his office, the leaders of our three parties shared public hugs and well wishes(in our current government, this is totally rare- they’re usually verbally fighting)

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