
Diabetes Discoveries! Not as Fast as We Like; BUT Faster than We Think!!!

fasterBobby Kennedy once said, “Some men see things as they are and say why…….I dream things that never were and say why not.”  Recently, with World Diabetes Day upon us, I had a conversation with someone who shared ‘how slow’ things seem to be going when it comes to diabetes, devices, and research.

I disagreed.

Certainly things do not move, and are not moving, as fast as we would like; but if you remember that insulin was discovered in 1921…..I would say that it has been a very productive 94 years.  And the last 40 being incredibly fast.  Again, I get it; yesterday is too slow for a development we want today; but it all takes time.

I am spoiled, as it were.  My kids never had to pee in a cup for a color swatch test that was a range and not an accurate reading; but I have seen many changes that even those diagnosed today, were never without.

A glucometer reading in under 10 seconds was unheard of when Kaitlyn was diagnosed.  An insulin pump in everyday use….that was a Star Wars theory, at best.  We might see it some day.  CGM? uhm….no.  Bionic Pancreas?  Artificial Pancreas? Really?  Uhm… again.  Not even on our radar.  Insulin pens?  Nope. Devices being placed inside the body like the BioHub or Viacyte; to mimic the native pancreas?  Seriously? Uhm…

In our 22 years at this, as you see, there are many things that are now in everyday use and/or being seriously tested that will shape the next upcoming years, that were not much more than a thought back when Kaitlyn was diagnosed in 1992.

We need science, researchers, bio-engineers, and others to keep dreaming.  It is important.  It’s crucial that they ALL stay funded.  It’s important that we keep encouraging them and listening to their progress and asking the tough questions.  Most important is that we never lose faith that a tomorrow will come that will be better for our children than today.

I believe that with all my heart…….as long as there are people who don’t ask why at the things that are………but ask ‘why not’ at things we need for our loved ones with diabetes……let’s keep working together to create the ‘why not’s.

I am a diabetes dad.

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