
You JUST MAY Owe Someone a Call in your Diabetes World.

phone ringOver the last few days, a few things have occurred that took me back to when we first started with ‘our new normal’.  At the time, there were a few individuals who taught me a great deal.  I have written about Charlie Rizzo many times.  He, even after so many years, is still as dedicated to finding a cure as the day he started.

He has searched until he found the DRI where he gives much of his effort.  Not just in fund-raising but also in sharing research and challenging all to make sue the focus stays just that, focused.  I called another friend last night.  I do see her from time to time but she was, when I met her, and she remains so today; fiercely loyal to her family.  I used to call her super-mom.  Barbara’s energy for her family was unyielding.  She was the master at sitting down to ask something of someone on behalf of a cause to help her son with diabetes, and I honestly believed that anyone who sat across form her had ‘no chance’ of saying “no” to whatever Barbara was asking.

Any question I had about Kaitlyn and diabetes; Barbara was the go-to person for us.  She was an ‘expert’ but also an expert on finding information when she did not know something.  It was with her that I learned that ‘education’ is the equalizer to ‘owning’ diabetes.   Something I state to this day.

Her efforts were tireless and she single-handedly has raised millions of dollars for diabetes research.  She’s tough, charming, brilliant, compassionate, fun-loving, and tireless all rolled into one…….she has influenced me greatly.

Well like I said, a few things occurred over the last few days that bought me back 22+ years and it made me think of this wonderful person.  As I thought, I also realized I probably never told her how much she has meant to me over the years.  Well that changed last night.  I called her for no reason but to tell her how much she meant to me when we started on this journey.  She, of course, was very thankful and to deflect everything to the ‘team’ we all were—-that would be typical of Barbara.

When I hung up…….well…..honestly…..tears rolled down my cheeks.  We are so fortunate to have so many people who help us when we are first in this world, so many who share their knowledge.  So many who are sorry they know you for the only reason they are sorry they know you……you are both members to a club no one wants.

But they are there…….for you.  Think back to who was there for YOU.  If you have never told them how much they meant to you…….let them know.  Call them.  Without them your journey would have gone down an entirely different path……give them a call and say thanks because at the end of the day…………………..we are all in this together and at some point YOU TOO will be called upon to help someone else.

It’s what we do….we are the diabetes community.  And I love each and every one.

I am a diabetes dad.

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