
Do You Wait on Diabetes? Probably a Mistake!

waitIf you are waiting on diabetes to have a ‘good’ day, you may be waiting a long, long time.  Over the years I have heard and/or read some of the following:
“I sure hope diabetes behaves today.”
“I hope diabetes gives me a break.”
“Diabetes better be nice today.”
…… won’t.

Diabetes is a beast.  It takes what it wants, when it wants.  As in anything like this, the only way to have any peace is to do everything you can to tame the beast and the ONLY way to do that is with education.  I have heard people say that they get annoyed when it is stated that you need to own this disease, “You can’t possibly own it, why do people say that?”  Totally? No, you can’t.

I had a friend, recently, who became very, very sick.  The doctors said that if he was not in as good a shape as he was, the outcome could have been completely different.  The absolute perfect picture of health, but still he was stricken and hospitalized.  He could only do what he could do in life, after that, there is no control.  What is control is that he was in great shape, it may have saved his life.

Diabetes is still going to throw curveballs to anyone who has it.  It’s the nature of the beast, BUT how much are you leaving for chance and how much do you KNOW is the question you need to ask yourself and only you can answer.  Is the care you are giving your child being rocked by every little ripple that diabetes throws daily, or have you educated yourself enough to know as much as you can……..and then learn even more?

Does your child have the best management tools that your finances can afford? Have you asked a million questions so you know everything that will happen based on carb consumption vs. insulin distribution?  Are you guessing?

Diabetes is a very difficult disease to understand.  And even after you do everything you can, you still are going to be thrown for a loop.  But how much work have you done?  Even those who ‘master diabetes’ still have days that are very, very tough.  So if you are just relying on any given day for diabetes to treat you well, you may be waiting for a long time.  If you are taking diabetes on with a fully educated arsenal of knowledge; you will be ‘luckier’ than others.  The harder you work at it, the ‘luckier’ you will be.

Diabetes takes a lot of work…….and even then; some bad days will lay ahead.  How hard are you working at it?  Because even when you work at it…….really work at it, there is still hoping for a good day………..involved.

I am a diabetes dad.

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One reply on “Do You Wait on Diabetes? Probably a Mistake!”

Why then, do you suppose, is there not a huge outcry for much more funding to be allocated to cure focused research and cure focused clinical trials? Maintenance products and gadgets are great, to the extent that they can make maintenance somewhat easier. I am grateful for some of the monitoring capabilities some of these products have. Having said that, we can’t ignore the fact that these “gadgets” are machinery that many have reported have failed on more than one occasion. That’s a risk that is very unsettling to hear when you’re dealing with someone’s life. These products are merely band aids, which a large part of the T1D community cannot get because of insurance companies that won’t cover, or if they do not have insurance, the products are too expensive to purchase and maintain. There are far too many projects going on, and funds allocated to them, that would be better served in cure focused research. I would like to think that even those who are fortunate enough to have “all the gadgets”, still pray for a real cure. Why aren’t we outraged that funding is not streaming toward that goal?

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