
NEWSBREAK: Rep. Graham Presents Copy of New Law to Little Reegan’s Family.

Reegans Rule Law,  Representative Charles Graham visits with Little Reegan’s Family and presents them with a copy of the law that very well may change the face of the missed diagnosis of diabetes in this country.  It was signed into law on October 20th by the Governor of North Carolina.

In that binder is a copy of the law that underwent many changes to become law.  There is a movement in many states based on the premise that better education of the onset of T1D and that kids need to be checked before DKA takes over.  To accomplish the first step is always the hardest…….it is now; complete.

Virus-like symptoms do not mask the onset of diabetes, they should be treated AS POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS and treated accordingly.  I have come to love and fully respect the work of these people……thank you for changing our world.

If you played a role in this initiative in any shape or form, or are continuing those efforts in any way; take a bow—–you are a hero as well.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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