
NEWSBREAK: PA House Passes Resolution Regarding Better Education For Missed T1D Diagnosis

Debbie Healy When Debbie Healy’s son had a blood sugar of 1400 and his diagnosis of T1D was missed, she realized later on in life just how lucky her family was.  She also grew to know others who were not so lucky.

Not taking ‘no’ for an answer she led the way for PA House Resolution 569 to pass today in the State Capitol in a whopping 196 Yay and O Nay vote encouraging better education of diabetes in the State of Pennsylvania so a diagnosis of T1D is not missed or mistaken because of flu-virus like symptoms.

Based on a similar process where a law was passed in North Carolina, Debbie felt the presence of little Reegan and her family today as she heard the vote; “I just kept thinking of Reegan and how her mother wanted something good to come out of something so senseless.  How we both wanted to do something to make sure it did not happen again.”


Pennsylvania State Representative Ryan MacKenzie not only sponsored the bill, but gave Debbie 15 minutes on his TV station to spread diabetes awareness (see picture above).  “He is such a genuine, caring person; he was with us EVERY step of the way”, Debbie says of her new-found colleague in this crucial battle.  “He was brilliant.”

The passed resolution makes Pennsylvania the second state undertaking such action and other states are in line as well.  Debbie was quick to add, “I am very happy that this resolution passed, but there is still work to be done… eyes are on the PA State Senate next.”  You go, girl!!!!!

Hopefully it’s only a matter of time that this leaves being left to individuals and gets tackled by more powerful diabetes advocacy organizations seeing the need—-feel free to drop them a line with a copy of this story and ask them, ‘When are we getting involved organizationally?  When are we going to do this for the Kycies and the Reegans of this world.  How many more must die?” Ask them (and I mean it) and let me know what they say.

Pennsylvania learned today, as they did in North Carolina, Mama Bears set their minds on something, it will surely come to be.  Congratulations Debbie Healy and everyone else who helped this become a vote today, Resolution 569; passing 196 to 0.
The Resolution:
PA Res 569 pg 1
PA Res 569 pg 2

I am a diabetes dad.

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