
A Message for You!!!!

Happy New Year 2016A really good friend wished me a happy New Year and stated that the hope was that all my wishes would come true in 2016.

Interesting concept.

I found myself asking if I had ‘all my desires’ as a bucketful of wishes or is my wish the same as it was on September 26th, 1992, and only to be doubled on March 20th, 2009.  The same wish every time I blow out my birthday candles.  The same wish anytime I wish upon a star.  The same wish I have every time I break a wish bone.  The same wish in my nightly prayers.

A cure, for my two children.

It’s a promise I gave my kids and it’s the foundation for everything I do.  I’m deeply involved in this diabetes world.  I wish I was not, but I am during almost every minute of every day in some shape or form.  I’m energized by this diabetes world around us.  And in as much as I believe in the efforts of the Diabetes Research Institute, being involved as I am, also allows me the privilege of seeing so many wonderful things out there which I see with an open mind with a drive to learn more.

I see what I see, through your eyes as well.

I thank you for that.  You teach me so much.  You have opened my eyes to so many worlds of research, initiatives, efforts, education, management tools and energy to make this diabetes world palatable that I, otherwise, would not have in my life.  Your energy drives me.  Your knowledge challenges me.  Your passion humbles me.

Thank you for allowing me to share in your life.  We are in this together and our one and only competition must always be; diabetes.  To make a difference in this diabetes world and to just ‘not do nothing’.

I wish all of you the best 2016, and may it take you one step closer to whatever it is you seek in your life; for you, for your family, and for those you love.

Happy New Year!

Much love, respect, and admiration always,

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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